Trouble Maker

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I smirked at my brothers irritation. I really like pissing him off. It's just something I enjoy doing. Although it's more fun pissing Sora off. He's so fucking sensitive and naive. I find it halrious to pick on my siblings even though Xion is practically immune to my teasing.

Even so...

I looked at the red head who was sitting a table in front of me. He's pretty tale and thin. No doubt he probably has mussel. His eyes were a jade green and his hair was very...spikey. His voice was smug but oddly a way. He wore his shirt tucked in partially. He had a jacket rapped around his waist that complemented the blue uniform pants. His tie was poorly tied and his collar could use some fixing. He's probably a jock. Eww.

I looked down at my paper and decide to write. We have to do an easy on what kind of chemicals make poisons or something stupid that like that. Point is this class is boring and I don't wanna be here. In fact, I don't wanna be in any of my goddamn classes. School is boring. Maybe I'll ditch next class.

"Watcha doing Vanitas~?"

My led broke as I heard Namine's voice. I turned and looked at her stupid ass. She always bothers me when I least expect it. She's so fucking annoying.

"What the hell do you want? Drugs? If so, I got none so go bother someone else," I said clearly irrated. She laughed and sat next to me. "We don't have to sit in our assigned seats so I wanted to sit next to you," She said cheerfully. I sighed and said, "Why don't you sit in a trash can where you belong?" She laughed loudly as a response. I huffed as she gasped for air. "Your so funny Vanitas," She said. 

"I was serious."

She giggled.

"Of course. Anything you say silly."

"Do you always have to be this annoying."


I looked at her angrily.

"Fuck you."

"What time?"


She laughed at my anger.

"Your so cute."

I suddenly cooled down and began to blush. She's always pulling some crap like this. How irritating. I scratched the back of my neck nervously and said, " Whatever." She smiled a big smile and giggled slightly. 

I know what your thinking but, NO. I'm not in love with her. In fact, she likes Xion so there's no point. She's just another stupid, irritating bitch that tries to get to know me but really can't. I'm too..."different" for her ass. I'm too different to everyone. They don't give me the same respect as they do the others but hey, I don't mind. I never liked being royalty anyway. It's a fucking pain in the ass to live up to others expectation. 

I grabbed the paper I was supposed to be writing on and crumbled it. Namine stared at me, curiosity beaming from her blue eyes. I smirked and threw the paper at the teacher's head. Namine's eyes widened as she tried not to laugh. The teacher turned to face the class.

"Who did it?" he asked in a serouis tone. Everyone looked up mildly confused while me and Namine tried not to laugh. "Well?" he asked once again looking at those of us who cause trouble. I spoke up and said, "I'm sorry sir. I honestly thought you were a trash can. My apologies." Everyone began to laugh as he got angry. "Why you little-"

"Little what?"


I sat down and leaned my head back.

"Why the hell should I?"


I sighed. 

"Why don't you fucking make me old man."

The teacher I tried to say something but hesitated. As soon as he did, he knew I had won. I always win. Teachers can't hurt their students and even if he did call security, I wouldn't move. He knows this and their isn't a thing in the world he could do to stop me.  

"Go or I'll call your father." 


Why the hell should I?

Because I said so! Do you wanna get in more trouble by Cloud?


I glanced at my younger sister. She gave me a pleading look as if she was the one getting in trouble. I sighed and looked at the teacher, frustration burning in my eyes. I swear she always finds a way to ruin my fun. Asshole. 

Fine but only because I want to.

Thank you. 

Yeah, whatever.

"Tch. Fine old man. I'm sowrry," I said sarcastically. He tried to say something but he the realized that's the best he can get out of me. He threw the paper in the trash and mumbled to himself. I chuckled slightly while kicking my feet up on the desk. 


I looked at the red head who was starring at me. He almost had a look of admiration in his eyes. I growled at him and said, "What the fuck are you looking at?" He chuckled and turned back to the front of the classroom. 

Enough. Focus...

I stared at the red head for awhile. I wonder if I could break into his mind? Nah. It's too soon to try and read him. I'll wait for awhile. Maybe.. near October? Yeah sounds about right. He should start thinking more about...whatever he's up to.For now I'll focus on his companion. 

Riku eh...

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