Candle Light

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((So I'll be honest, I too lazy to put separate ages in for every character. This means Aqua, Terra and other characters are around the same age as The Big Five are in the same grade. Just warning ya))

I walked into my class and sat down in my usual seat. I turned to face my H O T  A S S partner. "Heylo Terra," I said cheerfully, not realizing I said hello wrong. He chuckled and respond with a simple,"Heylo there Ventus." I blushed while realizing my mistake. I swear when I die, a bunch of embarrassing things I've said to Terra will be on my grave. Oh and trust me...I've...said...A LOT of embarrassing things to him. I called him a sexy dolphin once. 

"So, are you gonna say something else weird? You know I've kept count of the stupid things you 'say," Terra said while chuckling. I crossed my arms and sticked my nose up. "I don't say things that are weird. You just think their weird," I said like a bratty child. We stayed quiet for a while before bursting into a loud eruption of laughing. 


Ha ha ha...Yeah?

What the hell are you laughing at?

HAHAHA...Nothing important. Why is their something ...ha ha... Wrong Roxas?

Yeah. This morning, that kid with silver hair. 

I immediately stopped laughing. Terra didn't seem to notice. 

What about him?

He's in our class and he sits right behind Sora.

I turned around to look at the back corner of the classroom. Sure enough he was sitting right behind him. Although he had blind fold on, I could tell he was watching Sora...intently. It's almost as if he was watching his every movement. Yikes.

What do we do?

We tell Sora duh. 

I heard you guys loud and clear. 

We turned and looked at our brother as he joined the conversation.  

Will you be ok? 

Probably. Why do you two care anyway?

Cause he's probably just as bad as any other bitch in this school.

I giggled slightly. 

Roxas don't be rude. Sora, please, just be cautious. 

Ok Ven.

With that, I began to look at the clock. For som reason I'm so eager to get out. Normally, I'd want to learn for every second I had. Maybe I'm just  worried about Sora. He's dense and easily falls for stupid tricks. No wonder he's more popular than the rest of us. He loves to be himself. I envy that. But for that same reason, that's what scares me. 

The teacher walked in and the class fell silent. The teacher then wrote two things on the board. Everyone examined the two words. 

"Will these two students please come up to the board," he said cooly. That's when the guy behind Sora and another kid with red spikey hair I didn't notice stood up and walked to the front. They turned to face the class and bowed. 

"These two are new students," the teacher stated, "and they'll be joining our homeroom class. Please introduce yourself boys."

The red head looked up first. He smirked and said, "What's up guys. I'm Axel and this is my best bud Riku. We grew up together so you can call us brothers if you'd like.  Anyhow, were both 17 only I'm 2 months ahead of him. I like sports and sea salt ice cream. No one really knows what Riku likes. I guess that would be silence since he's such a anti-social little pri-" Riku kicked him in the knee before he could say anything else. The class giggled as Axel yelped and looked back at Riku. 

"Geez no need to be so rough," he said, turning his attention back towards the class,"Oh! There is another little friend of ours lurking around the school. That's all you really need to know." With that, Riku and Axel sat back down in their seats and the whole class clapped. As Axel passed by me, I felt a unexplainable warmth pass as well. The wrapped around me and sent a shiver through my spine. It was like the faint heat you get from a candle.

That was odd...

I turned back around to look at the red head but he was already in his seat. I huffed and put my hand on my face while facing the front. My mind wondered a bit until I realized something.

I didn't notice him at all...

My eyes widened. I didn't see him walk into the room nor did I see him sit down. How could I not? He sticks out like a sore thumb.  I normally notice things like this. It could be I was distracted when I was talking to Terra. No. I still could've seen his hair. Maybe he's just so quiet. Nah. The way he talked during class. He's too loud. I should ask the others if the noticed him.

Hey Sora?

Yeah Ven?

Did you notice the red head...I mean...Axel walk in?


How about you Roxas?

Not at all. Why?

Just asking.

I bit my lip in fustration. I hate mysterys like this. It just leaves me so curios. 

I noticed him.

I turned to the far corner and looked at my darker twin. Vanitas  smirked. I huffed and turned my attention to the front of the class. 

I didn't ask you Vanitas. 

Yeah, but I answered your question didn't I?


Ok, shesh.

I grabbed my pencil and started writing angrily. I hate him so much. Everywhere I turn, he's there. Plus he always tries to one-up me. It's so annoying. HE'S so annoying. Sometimes, I really wanna crush his skull.

I started to think of possible ways I missed Axel walking in. Then it occurred to me. What if he was already in here. That would explain a lot. 

"Hey Ven, you good?" Terra asked in a concerned tone. I looked up at him and smiled. "Yeah just thinking about something," I replied. He chuckled and went back to doing his work. He looks so hot when he's focusing. 

I guess I should get back to doing my work...

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