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"Hello this is Catco, how may I help you?"

Kara heard the secretary from the desk next to hers. She was the only one that she could hear. Even if she tried to use her super hearing.

The room was radio-silent. Something was different since the last time she visited the building.

It was quite surprising, for everything about Catco had to do with social activity, yet, no conversations, not even a quiet, embarrassing 'good morning' could be recognized on that morning.

The young reporter was looking around. Every worker's eyes were colored in silver-blue. Oh...

So that was why nobody was talking.

The workers were just staring at the walls and ceiling and moving their heads every once in a while.

"Kara, hey!" Nia came behind her with a smile.

"Hey!" Kara jumped with a surprised smile, "I have missed you so much!" she hugged her and didn't hesitate to examine her eyes after they pulled away.

"Umm... I was thinking of an interesting assignment for you last night," she started excitingly.

Something about Nia's expression told her otherways, "oh, there is no need. Our new boss gave me an exclusive with Cat Grant about her new company. He said he needed to talk to you about a new project" she told her, embarrassed and excited.

"What kind of project?" Kara seemed surprised, "I just got back".

"I'm not sure. I guess you'll have to go in there and find out", Nia answered and walked away from there.

Kara listened to her friend although it definitely seemed like something was odd with Nia. Confused and a little suspicious, she headed to the main office where she was supposed to meet her new boss.

Just before she walked in, she heard a woman talking from inside,

"I'm determined to have Obsidian VR technology in every household within a year. Obsidian North is going to change the fabric of what it means to be human" she said.

"I understand, but I can't publish anything until you give me more information" a man, who Kara guessed was her new boss responded.

"Well, as you know, Lena Luthor and I are developing the technology at both Luthor-Corp and this very building that is now under my ownership. The Obsidian North contact lenses are already being used by many people in National City, including Miss Luthor herself" she explained with confidence.

Kara then had a clue about who she was.

She has heard a lot about Obsidian North. It was a huge project of Lena's in the past few months. A big breakthrough, as Snapper said. And... Probably, very good destruction as well.

"Yes, I know everything about the Luthor one" answered the deep male British accent, "and I will send a reporter to L-Corp to get some details about the operating system itself. Thank you, Andrea".

Kara felt like it was a good time to cut the conversation and meet that man with the accent that talked to her last night. She knocked lightly and walked inside, "Hey, am I interrupting?"

"Depends on how much you've heard," the new boss said with a smirk. Kara couldn't tell if he was serious.

"Me?? No, I didn't hear anything, I just got here" she told him with her known awkwardness.

"You are Kara Danvers, correct?" the woman interrupted them.

"Yes...? " Kara was confused.

"I admire your work, Kara. You really deserved that Pulitzer you received a few weeks ago. I watched the whole ceremony" the woman said and smiled. She had the same confusing smile as Kara's boss, Mr. Dey. Although, Kara did feel appreciated with her words.

"Yes, and we are going to do great things together," William responded, cutting the tension that was building up the more the two remained silent.

Kara could hear in his voice that he referred to her as part of something big, yet, couldn't help but feel like he just called ownership on her. The new project came back to her mind. She wondered what it could be about.

"I knew I made the right decision when hired you as the new head" Andrea moved to look at Kara.

"Wait, I thought Lena was the one who-"

"And I'm very lucky that you now own this company", William said with a happy, irritating smile.

"Oh well, every company could use a refresh," Andrea said with an annoying sweetness. Kara assumed it was something usual with her.

"Lena sold Catco to you?"

"Everything is about business these days, Miss Danvers, try to keep up. You've been missing for a while" Andrea answered. Her nice words and the lovely smile from before made Kara rethink whether she was just bragging or just proving herself worthy in front of William. She did know one thing for certain though, she didn't like that lady. And she didn't like the relations between her and Lena.


No, it had nothing to do with her... Don't think about her.


"Well... I'll head down to my lab. Technology waits for no one. I have great things planned for you Mrs. Danvers" Andrea said and gave William a very-serious look just before she turned to the door.

"I'll see you around Mrs. Rojas," William said with the same serious look.

The door closed behind Andrea, making the confused reporter regain her focus. Her new boss was waiting for her.

"Hello Kara", he said comfortably and leaned back on his chair, a little amused by the confused expression on Kara's face, "can I? I mean, call you Kara? Or would you prefer Miss Danvers...?"

"K-Kara is fine", she mumbled and sat down in front of him.

"Then please, call me William", he told her, "although I assume you know who I am".

"I do," Kara told him, "you're with the Daily Planet".

"Not anymore" he corrected, "about a week ago, I became the new head of Catco".

Kara returned a fake grin, "yeah, I see".

William inhaled, "I have an assignment for you, Kara".

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