W-Wait Huh?

298 3 0

I opened Wattpad and went to the Demographics and saw the map and was shocked to see all of you reading my story! I didn't expect this many from different countries reading my story. Thank you all for reading my book!!

So it's been a while for an actual update. I'm really thankful for the many views, comments, and votes. I never imagined getting to 3K reads.



Because of that I feel pressured since many people worldwide are expecting at least new chapters.

I know my chapters have been getting boring and well not interesting to some people. I'm really trying but because of school, my job, family and other stuff that shall not be named, it's been hard keeping focus on what's going on in each chapter to the next.

This story and my drafts, I had planned on posting it but in a different language for readers to read in their dominant language. But of course, that'll have to actually wait for when I'm free.

Sorry everyone that I'm ranting on, but please understand that I AM trying to write little by little on chapters and fixing up the ones I've posted already.

Thank you for those that have read this to the end of my rant. Have a wonderful day or night.


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