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2 months earlier....

I sat outside the Chancellor's office for what seemed like an eternity. Oh god, she was going to kill me after that stunt I pulled at the previous briefing...

"Domina, you must understand-" She had said.

"No, you need to understand! I can't just marry the Prince of Beltronia. UGh, Why didn't you ask me before getting me betrothed?"

"Domina, darling." She had said, venom in her voice. "This alliance is of utmost importance to our nation's naval trades! I don't understand why you can't just-"


An uneasy silence had settled in the room, as the Chancellor stared me down like a lion poised to attack.

".... I don't want to marry the prince, because I don't want to marry any man."

The rest of the Ministers seemed uneasy, as the backed up away from the table, as the Chancellor stood up.

"Get out."

"Chancellor Mor-" I pleaded.


I shuddered as I thought of it. By the stars, what was I thinking?

Next to me, YoGeni squeezed my hand. At least my sister would stand by me no matter what.

"Don't worry, Ju. It will get better."

"Yeah?" I asked, "How do you know? Did you have a vision?"

"Just trust me on this, sister." Geni smiled. "I can see it."

"... Was that a frickin' blind joke?"


The two of us collapsed into a fit of giggles, I don't know what I would have done without her. She was the only good thing left in this horrid place since Maria left.

"If you two are done acting like children."

The two of us jumped up.

"Chancellor, I'm sorry about the events of yesterday, but-"

"Ma'am please don't make her-"

"Get inside you two."

She refused to look me in the eye, instead looking down at my cuff. I stroked it awkwardly, fearing that any second she would send a bolt of electricity through my body, to put me in my place. With the press of a button, she could inflict another scar upon me.

"M'lady, Dionarae." The minister of foreign affairs said, almost smug in a twisted sort of way. He was a horrid, surly, hulking man, the kind whose voice was always laced with poison.

"We, the committee have discussed your... preferences, and have come up with a compromise, of sorts, for you."

"Compromise?" Geni laughed, "This is her marriage not deciding who gets the last cookie."

"Gen!" I hissed, under my breath, "Let's... hear them out."

YoGeni seemed reluctant, but she remained silent.

The Chancellor cleared her throat.

"As we were saying, since you have refused to wed the Beltronian Prince, we have come up with some alternates."

Suddenly, YoGeni laughed, so hard, she practically fell off her chair.

The Chancellor and the Ministers glanced at each other nervously but continued.

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