A Tale of Seven Dominae

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The first of the Dominae was a warrior. She fought and fell for her kingdom of Sun. She lived in the sky and drank from the clouds, all below bowed before her. She was called by many names; Apollo, Surya, Tagaloa. She was the giver of all life, the sister of Death. Her brother came for her all too soon, destroying her in one fell swoop, bringing the earth down with her.

The first Domina died alone.

The second Domina was a king. As his old vessel fell, he rose. As the Earth crumbled, he harnessed the daemons that ravaged the earth and used their life force to bind the Earth back together. He was celebrated and loved. He took the moon for a wife, and they rebuilt the earth into 7 kingdoms. Every morning he smiled down upon the people of New Pangaea. When he cut down his brother, watched his corpse melt away, and re-emerge as a small child, he told all that this child posed no threat. He was not afraid. He couldn't be blamed for the baby's mysterious disappearance. He didn't know a thing.

The second Domina was a liar.

The third was a poet. She sang songs that drew people in from far and wide, they flocked to her, like she was the last messiah to ever sing salvation. She lived for 49 days before she was struck by a stray arrow, from where it came, it's not our place to guess. It certainly couldn't have been from her brother, who had been testing out his new toy, who mysteriously disappeared three days later.

The third Domina was a child when she fell.

The fourth and fifth Dominae shadowed each other their whole life. No. 4 served North Pangaea, while the fifth roamed the south. They kept their distance, so as not to become corrupted, to preserve the Earth. No. 5 raised their baby brother, Death to become a pleasant boy, who would aid her in her travels. She insisted that the child would not grow up fully, that she would be able to destroy him when the time came.

Number 5 was a liar.

Number 4 didn't call herself a murderer. She called it revenge.

The sixth Domina called themself a peacemaker. They founded a nation called Vitrua, ad devoted themselves to justice. The brought together half of the other Dionarae, creating a strong alliance that would last for all time. Then they fell in love with a man in the moon. And when Death cut him down, a scream echoed through the valleys that shook the very bonds that held the world together, so soul-shattering, so desperate, that every tree, every river, every person, every beast, screamed in agony for their fallen love.

The sixth Domina didn't die fully. They chose to live for as long as they could, albeit incompletely. They wore 21 different faces over 127 years, they struck down Death, again and again, until she found a powerful spell, one that would allow them to pass on their power, but remain in power, and she raised the seventh Domina and her sister Death. She saw a girl of prophecy emerge for the first time in 100 years, and when the moon re-emerged, they would be damned if the new Domina fell for these tricks again.

But fate finds a way.

The seventh Domina was barely a child when she fell.


{So I'm not dead yayyyyyyy}

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