11. We Play Tom & Jerry In The House

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Jack and I had a tiff. My fault, entirely. I tossed a tiny bit of fuel into the inferno ignited by Marigold, the Micro-wave.

When Jane recounted Miss Microwave's twisted story of a traumatic childhood, hinting that it might be connected to something more absurd than a direct link to the forgetful new kid, Jack demanded that her application be yanked from the waiting list right away.

Couldn't quite wrap my mind around it. What on earth was the reason?

His silent reply left me pondering if it involved ghosts and the Mysterious Cloak.

Voilà! The Voldemort treatment.

I didn't expect him to address it so casually. Jack Hart made it clear he's disappointed in my nosiness about subjects we both know are better left unsaid. Oh, and he's also shocked by my behavior.

So here I am—

Being a rebel.

"...Are you absolutely sure no one's home?" Rick, ever the insightful one, oh why not, asked Isabella Adler, who gracefully exited the van parked by the mansion. The Hudsons' farmhouse stood tall, looking like it could see right through us as we walked towards it beneath a tranquil blue sky.

"Watch out for mice, near your right foot." I decided to mess with Rick, and he yelped, leaping towards the three girls.

Well, aren't I doing something unexpectedly daring, Jack Hart? Don't get me wrong, I'm not some rebel without a cause. I'm just in training. Learning the fine art of a staycation on private property, and maybe a bit of light trespassing for good measure. Not that I'm aiming for jail time or anything.

My motives are simple: curiosity and rebellion.

What's so spine-chilling about the infamous Hudson farmhouse, the place that sparked drama in our department, is what I intend to unravel today.

As a little bonus, Isabella struck a deal with me to loan the mini blue van. All I had to say was that I can't risk renting it to minors, even though I'm technically one. She switched into business mode and summoned Rick Adams, who was doing a one-man interpretive dance resembling those inflatable tube men outside malls, an attempt to lure in 'customers' to B-PI.

Apparently, he was a pied piper for mice. They fell in love with him at first sight and stuck around until Jane had to swoop in like a superhero.

Either unfortunate timing or something else, I had easy access to the bureau's minivan, labeled as "responsible." Because obviously, adults should leave the menial jobs for untrained kids and then pat us on the back for being obedient little minions.

I had to shake things up eventually. But I didn't expect it to happen so soon...

"So, Dad granted me a week off, but Mom shut that down due to school, so now I have a grand total of two days. How long are we planning to camp here?" Bella absentmindedly chewed on her hairclip while helping Rick with something. She glanced at the two girls who were deep in conversation.

Wait, Bella's joining the party too? Looks like I'm in some reality show where teenagers meet under convenient circumstances, start as rivals, and turn into friends, adding a dash of excitement here and there. My life doesn't feel real anymore. I'm in a show, and people are eagerly awaiting the epic saga of how this tight-knit crew falls apart. And guess what? I'm here to contribute. Peace is overrated when it disrupts my equilibrium.

I'm no daredevil, but a single day should suffice to quench my curiosity. I'm just not sure how long I'm committing to this rebellion. Any advice?

Jack shouldn't stress about me going off the grid temporarily. He's well aware of my tendency to disappear from radars every now and then, especially when inspiration or melancholy strikes.

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