Chapter 6

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A/N: Hey guys! Thank you for reading, let me know what you think of the ending. I appreciate reviews always. :)

Steve cleaned up around Maggie's room. He reached for his steno pad underneath all of her books, shaking his head. She must have gotten to it to color or do her art work. If it was one thing Maggie did, once she had something in her possession she made good use of it. Luckily none of her talents were found on his business notes, he breathed a sigh of relief at that.

Steve hated scolding his daughter but he knew he had to. Adele would comfort her to no end, spoiler her rotten. And at times, worse of all, he'd allow her to do it. But it doesn't teach her anything. Steve was a hard worker. When he was in high school he was the guy who carried the extra pens and pencils in a trapper keeper underneath a sheathing cover so the inks wouldn't leak; yes he was that anal about his supplies. As he grew older, he grew firmer with his habits; taking the neat freak stereotype to a new level.

Maggie was an innocent but she wasn't a perfect little angel. A lot of this had to do with Angela's influence. A good fifty percent of her genes were indoctrinated into Maggie's persona; it was unfortunate to say the least. Steve hoped she'd grow out of the signs but he was reminded of how much his daughter brought the memories of Angela back to the forefront. He didn't care to be so triggered but he couldn't help himself. Angela did a huge number on his soul; he was so sure he wasn't going to make it out alive if she never went to rehab.

He cleared his throat and stood up from where he knelt on the living room floor. Steve wasn't going to go there again. So many times he found his mind drifting off to the feelings he felt, the emotions he wanted to veer from, and the instances where he wasn't sure if there was a way out of the mess his ex made to both of their lives. Angela hadn't made efforts to change herself and Steve knew deep down those efforts were never going to come no matter what Adele said. Sure, he would prefer to look on the bright side of things, have faith that Maggie will have a mother again, and actually see some real progress made on Angela's part, but he remained a realist. For all he knew, Angela could need more time. She had been so far gone at one point he knew he lost the person he knew long ago. He shook his head from it, hearing footsteps coming near.

"Oh Steve, I put the meal in the oven for you, I'll be out shortly tonight." Adele said behind him, Steve semi turned around, acknowledging what she told him.

"Thank you, that helps loads." Steve said as he followed behind her, stopping at the doorway. "When are you coming back?"

Adele came around the corner fixing a pair of earrings on both her ears. "Won't be long. Just seeing an old friend."

Steve's amused brows perked up. "Oh? Who's this? Anyone I know?"

She spritzed perfume and grabbed various items to put inside her purse. "No actually, I don't think I've mentioned her to you. Your mother knew her well. She used to watch her when she was young. She was dear, she still is. Her husband is gone and she lives by herself now."

Steve nodded. "Sorry, well, I know you can comfort her."

"Thank you sweetheart. She could use a friend now."

He smiled, watching his Grandma swing her purse over her shoulder. She peered behind him and checked the time.

"Oh dear, I'm early. So do you have any news this week?" She asked Steve, sitting on the edge of her bed.

Steve leaned against the door, crossing his arms. "Actually when I was with Maggie, we went to this really amazing café on the coast. It was pricey but I wanted to try something new, Maggie just wanted to get her usual frozen yogurt. And I, sort of, met someone."

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