Alt. Ending 2 - Garden

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A/N The happy ending (the one that's the real one in my brain)

Starts where chap. 4 - Bloom left off.

Wally sat on Dick's sofa, mulling over the day and thinking about how Dick was faring. Whatever idiot rejected Dick is exactly that: an idiot. Whoever gets Dick Grayson should consider themselves the luckiest person on the planet, because Dick was a goddamn gift. Dick's been a staple in Wally's life for so long, Wally honestly didn't think he could function without him. Every time, his first response to any situation remotely interesting was to tell Dick. He always went back to Dick Grayson.

The Kid Flash doll sat next to him and Wally picked it up thoughtfully. Something wasn't really adding up here. Wally was missing something. Something crucial-

"He had a shitting Kid Flash plush he keeps in his room 'cause you're not there!"

The fabric was worn down on the back of the doll. Wally's mind supplied the idea that it was probably where Dick rubbed it over the years. Right where Wally's soulmark was.

"I'll get Jay or Tim to help me later with my shirt!"

Why couldn't Wally help? They're bros, Dick seen Wally shirtless countless times throughout the years. A thought stuck Wally; he's never seen Dick shirtless. Not once. Wally has seen Dick's Robin suit torn and that boy had some nice abs- but not the problem here, Wally.

"But in all seriousness, it's to hide my soulmark."

Dick's soulmark wasn't in the front, Wally has seen enough torn uniforms to confirm that. That or it's tiny. Who knows. Maybe it's on Dick's back like Wally's.

"You didn't care then! You wouldn't care now!"

Why wouldn't Wally care now? Wally cared then! But the main problem was that Dick's soulmate needed to care, which had nothing to do with Wally, right? Dick just never said anything-


Wally called Dick his lightning rod. Dick said thunderbird. Wally's soulmark.

No no no no no no nonononono- Wally's heart dropped to his feet.

Wally was shooting to the Batcave at over his maximum speed.

"Five years."

Wally didn't even know he could go this fast. He just needed to see Dick as soon as possible. Nothing else mattered.

"They tell the dorkiest jokes."

Wally's eyes burned. 'Dick Grayson, you better not had been in love with me for five fucking years and never said anything, helped me get together with Artemis because you're a fucking idiot-'

"They're crazy smart as well, like genius-level smarts."

No, Wally was stupid. The dumbest person on the planet. No, not the planet, the entire universe. He had the most perfect person by his side and never turned and took a good look. He never realized the most amazing person had been by his side the entire time. Suffering.

It's Wally's fault that Dick was dying.

"It's my soulmate."

Wally reached Dick's room without setting off a single alarm with his speed. (Plus he had authorization.) Dick was asleep, without a shirt, rolled over in his bed with his back facing the doorway. Wally, even in the dark, could clearly see the shape of the bird stretching across Dick's back. Wally could also see the cascade of bloody chrysanthemums adoring Dick's pillow.

Thunderbird (Birdflash soulmate AU; hanahaki)Where stories live. Discover now