twenty-one// what did she mean?

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Expect slower updates. Fall break is almost over which means school and I lost something really valuable to me yesterday so I've kinda lost my motivation to write cause of it.

It's been three weeks since the coming out incident.
She no longer thinks of him as a son, rather just an orphan who found his way into her home. She doesn't acknowledge he exists anymore.
Eddie knew this wouldn't count as child abuse, he still ate and had a roof, bedroom, and access to clean water to drink and bathe in. She wasn't hitting him, she wasn't talking to him, she was just..there. Eddie guesses it's okay.
She no longer made food for him, or asks about his day, or makes him take his pills.
Anytime Eddie is hungry, he makes himself a pb&j, or canned beans, because that's all he knows how to make. He doesn't even like canned beans.
You could say he's lost a tremendous amount of weight, his ribs protruding from his sides. He hasn't been given any money to buy school lunch, so he hasn't been able to eat. The losers just assume that her mom is on a business trip, so none really think to ask.
He was lucky, once. His mom had been making spaghetti, and thankfully fell asleep while it was cooking. Eddie had just enough time to smuggle some into a cup, although it was incredibly undercooked, and eat it quickly.
He didn't know why his mother was like this, so disapproving. Wasn't it the same as liking a girl? Love? Feelings? Emotion? Why did it matter that the person has a penis instead of a vagina? And a smaller chest?
His eyes wander to the portrait of his father, Frank Kaspbrak, who died of cancer three weeks after Eddie Kaspbrak was born.
Months before the birth, Frank had begun sleeping in the spare room instead of his and Sonia's shared one, and never gave her kisses goodnight. He lied and said it was because he didn't feel well, which thankfully tied into the later-diagnosed cancer. That was the only positive thing he could make from the experience.
The only time Richie had ever seen his father was the framed photo that lay atop eddies bookshelf. The man was handsome, and looked just like Eddie almost. Big, beautiful eyes, a charming smile, and combed light brown hair that curled slightly at the edges. He had dimples, and wrinkles that formed above his eyebrows and around his mouth.
The only words exchanged between Sonia and Eddie Kaspbrak within the past few weeks were, "you're just like your father," and "maybe you'll see him soon. I know some people who put fags like you where they belong."
This sends Eddie back to when he was eight, and he had asked his mother, "where's my dad, mommy?"
Sonia shook her head, continuing to scrub the dishes. "He's not here anymore, he was a bad man," she sighed.
Eddies head spun, see his father? He was dead, what did that mean? She couldn't kill him. Could she?
His eyebrows knitted together, he sat on his bed and scooped some more beans into his mouth with his spoon. He nearly gagged at the taste, but let himself swallow. What did she mean?
He hears a knock at the door.

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