Prologue - Is This All In My Head?

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Running. I'm running as if my very own life depends on it, because in this case, it does.

It's dark and gloomy here in the dusk of the night, with not a single soul in sight.

I can't explain what exactly it is I am running from, but what I can describe, it's far from being human. It looked like a 'she,' but how can I know for certain, that it's even a woman?

Well in my own humbled opinion, it is a 'woman' but I can't exactly say where she came from, or why she's after me.

Yes, you heard me right. This 'thing,' or whatever you want to call it, is literally chasing after me. I don't know why she is chasing me, but what I can say, is I'm filled with nothing but complete fear.

Chills seep deep down into my bones, making it almost impossible for me to continue running, as my legs begin to grow weary.

"No, no, I can't stop!! I MUST keep going, or she could KILL me!!"

I try to encourage myself to keep going, to keep running deeper into the shadows of the desert that surrounds me. However, the environment that envelopes me, is nothing short of an abandoned, isolated desert with nothing in sight. At this point, I'll keep running and never find my way out of here.

I trip over my own feet, of course! It feels nice though to catch my breath, hoping that inhuman thing won't find me here. Perhaps this is just a fickle of my imagination playing tricks on me, like it always seems to do, especially as of late.

With exhaustion overtaking my frail body, I begin to sit down on the hot desert sand. I am drained, I have no idea how I'm going to continue this trip through the desert. I have no way of even knowing at all where I am.

The worst part about all of it, is I'm here, alone. If I could just lay here for a few moments, and stare at the beautiful stars that surround the somber, overcast sky, maybe for once I can forget about what I just saw back there.

"How is it remotely possible for nature to be so vividly breath-taking?"

Something about nature always brings about a sense of serenity in my spirit. It helps put my mind at ease, forgetting the troubles that this night has brought forth upon me.

My body finds comfort in the warm touch of the sand, as it begins to go limp and my eyes close, as sleep claims me once again.

However, my sleep is disturbed, when all the sudden, a flash of white lightning thrashes violently through the sky, just barely missing my body.

I scream in complete terror, as I know what exactly this means for me.

This isn't the end. It's just the beginning, and she has made her presence known.

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