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Both Jeremy and Erica lay on the bed, dead.Their killer raised his garden shears again,stabbing his former lover and brother repeatedly.

Police sirens wailed loudly outside as the mysterious killer rushed to the back window.Desperately attempting to block the window,the man leaped through the glass,injuring himself in the process.

Rain drenched the man as he hurried into Sterling Forest,leaving behind his home.The heavy footsteps of the police warned him that stoke was running out.

Five minutes felt like an hour to the murderer.Hiding behind a tree,the seven police officers sprinted straight past him.

The killer,Marshall Richter,checked once more before dashing back to The Williams' House.Glass lay scattered around the window he had broken through.

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!"a policeman,Archie,pointed his gun towards Marshall.

Terrified,the murderer leaped through the window as Archie fired at he man's skull.

Blood covered Archie as Marshall's head exploded into a mess of gore and brain matter.

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