King of Darkness

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Few Months Before

Xiao Zhan's POV:

"Dr. Zhan, how did you deduce the fact, that the person standing in front of you, is the person, in fact who had committed the offence?" My man questions me.

Have you ever had your lover looking so scrumptious, that you just want to tear his suit and eat him up?

"It was rather very simple" I grin, I know that's affects you, Jagiya* "When officer Wang asked my opinion on the crime scene, it was well organised"

"Well organised?" Could you elaborate on that.

Yummy. No wonder they call you the Ice Prince. Oh sweet, tonight I am going to melt you.

"To a normal person, nothing would appear to be out of the ordinary but for me, it was the way the bed was made." I look at the judge and explain "it's all in one's psychology. When you committ a crime, you're not bothered about details like whether the bed is made or unmade or if it's clean or unclean, unless you're specifically trained to keep things neat. The scene was absolutely neat. It was like the bed was not even touched. That was my first instinct to look into all those people who had everyday access to the child's room" looking back to the accused, who is glaring swords at my direction "he became a suspect the day I went to the kitchen. Everything was in order. He obviously a servant to the family, was trained to keep things orderly. LTo test him, I purposely changed the direction of a small cup on the shelf. I then hid behind the closet and found him unable to leave it just like that. He changed it back to its original position. From then on, it was just a matter of profiling a little more. The final deduction was when we got the reports of a piece of cloth stuck under the fingernail of the kid, a specially dyed cloth. I went to his room. Whenever I previously had any interaction with him, he seemed to wear clothes specifically dyed by him, he is not a person who could rely on someone else." Looking back at the judge "so to sum it up, I just helped the officers in the right direction, they matched" I smile.

Phew now that I am done and my soul is talking, I can in the meanwhile, mentally undress him and play...

"If you don't stop drooling, I swear, I won't play with you" Lan Zhan glares and I gasp.

I grin.

The verdict would be given at the next date and the case is adjourned.

We bow to the judge and just as Yibo turns to organize his papers, there is a small chaos at the accused's end, where I see him jumping the bar and coming to assault Yibo.

Seeing my soul being threatened, the next moment, I stand in front of him, counterattacking the assault, by placing my fingers at his pulse point and twisting it. He slumps down, catching his throat and dry heaving.

Crouching down, my face is as close as it can be, staring into his eyes, even I could hear the chillness in my voice "Scumbags like you shouldn't even exist. What you did to that poor kid, killed her mercilessly, you should be convicted, but coming after him, I will personally see to that, you're welcomed in hell. You messed with a wrong person, now count your days" I smirk and he cowers.

He is pulled by Yong and handcuffed. With a nod, he leaves and I feel a calming pat on my back "Wei"Yibo whispers. I turn back and grin "Would I be spanked for being naughty and causing all that drama?" I grin and he smiles, shaking his head he replies "Maybe" and I laugh.

"I'll see you at home" I turn to leave when he clutches my palm and says "Xie Xie".

The way he looks at me, is it possible for me to fall more in love with him, than already am?

Kindred Souls - Vol 2 (Wei Wu Xian "X" Lan Wang Ji) Where stories live. Discover now