New Story - Untameable

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My New Book would be out soon:

My New Book would be out soon:

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Excerpts from the new book:


One such cold night, a phone rang in the precinct. A voice trembled "Murder, murder".

Not far away, in an abandoned house, lay two prone bodies.


I wake up with a hard hitting pain in my head, reaching up, I feel something sticky.


Opening my eyes, everything is blurry at first, but as my vision clears, I look around to find myself in some abandoned house.

As my gaze lands on a body next to mine, I am filled with dread. The body has a huge gash, and I gasp when I find myself clutching a bloody knife.

What the f**k have you done, Xiao?

Suddenly, the door is broken down and a group of police officers barge in shouting "Freeze! Drop the weapon, you're under arrest!" one officer touches my shoulder and my vision blurs.

No. No. No.

Before I could say anything further, I start to loose conciousness but not before I see a pair of pale eyes.

Lan Zhan, a name that rocks my unconscious core.


Stay tuned, to read my next book!!!

Much Love


Kindred Souls - Vol 2 (Wei Wu Xian "X" Lan Wang Ji) Where stories live. Discover now