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Xiao Zhan's POV:

Waking up to a cool breeze, I find myself in midst of canopies of trees.

"Wei Wuxian" the voice calls out "it's time" and I turn around "who are you?"

"When time comes we'll meet, for now, it's time for you to fulfill your destiny"

"What is it?"

"You'll soon know"

I wake up with a gasp and pat the sweat on my face.

"What was all that?" I cough out and heave out blood.

"Xiao?" Brother knocks and I quickly scamper and wiping the blood away. Opening the door, I smile "Brother".

His eyes kindly gaze at me "Could you join us, there is something you need to see?" and I follow him.

I see Yong sitting on the couch with a laptop in front of him, he is surrounded by two detectives from his precinct.

As I walk next to him, his eyes are red with fury and when his gaze falls on me, I know, I just know, what I am going to hear next, I won't like it.

"Zhan" his voice is curt "you need to see this" he turns the laptop towards me and I crouch down to see the CCTV record. It's dated back to the shooting and I witness my love being shot. Yong's hand clutches my shoulders and soon we see a sniper at a distance on a building at the firing range. When we try to zoom it, it's blurred, but it's something to analyse about.

I re watch again and again him being shot and when I closely watch his lips, I know he's calling my name.


Deep hatred.


I back away, turning I throw the glass lamp onto the wall.

Heaving, I welcome the dark aura within.

"Xiao!!!" Yong yells and I turn to him, finding the three of us alone in the room with the detectives having left us.

"I need to find those bast***s who hurt him" my voice is eerily scary "they will pay"

"Xiao" brother tries to placate but having turned away from them, Yong halts my steps  "How do you plan on doing this?"

Turning to face them, my lips involuntarily grin and I know they're scared "It's time"

"What do you mean?" Brother takes a step forward.

"Yiling Patriarch" I smile again "he needs to play and play he will"

"Xiao!" Yong shakes me and I step away.

"The only way to right the abomination is to bring Yiling Patriarch out to play" I know I must look like a maniac "they hurt my Lan Zhan" I roar "My Lan Zhan, they have to pay".

"How..." Yong pauses "How do you plan on that?"

"Chenqing" I whisper and I hear them breath hard. I am sorry but there is no other way.

"But your soul?" Yong whisper is despair.

"My soul is unconscious right in there, Yong" I point towards Yibo's room "If for him, I have to sacrifice myself, let the resentful aura take over my soul, then I would gladly sacrifice for him"

"What about Yibo? Do you think he would be able to live another life without you?" Brother raises his voice and at that I retort "Xi Chen, is it better for him to have no life at all?" I roar.

Kindred Souls - Vol 2 (Wei Wu Xian "X" Lan Wang Ji) Where stories live. Discover now