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Xiao Zhan's POV:

I wake up to a sweet smelling aroma and my eyes flutter open slowly. The dizziness makes me want to puke, but I know I won't be able to. There is nothing within me afterall.

"You're awake" a cheerful sounding voice calls for my attention and I slowly get up. Looking for the owner of the voice, I notice it's Wen Qing. I mean Dr. Huang April.

My smile is weak and she smiles back.

"Doctor, to what do I owe this happiness?" I sit up and look at her. So similar to Lady Wen Qing.

"Smooth talker" she hands over a towel to me "go freshen up, I have made some hot fresh soup for you"

Not wanting to turn away her sincerity, I nod as I pick up the towel, some fresh clothes and walk into the bathroom. Not even glancing at the mirror, I walk into the shower.

Lan Zhan, are you well? Do you miss me as much as I miss you? Lan Zhan did you know, back in the Burial Mountain, I missed you so much. I kept seeing you every where. Did you know, when I came back, your eyes showed me such raw emotions, I knew, I knew you missed me as much as I missed you? Lan Zhan, when you stood by my side during the Heist, I was so proud, my love. We against the world. But I did you wrong. Sorry Lan Zhan.

As the tears well down, they mix up with the water, drained away for never to be witnessed by anyone.

Towelling myself, I change into a fresh pair of clothes and walk into the main area. An aray of platter in placed on a small table and my steps halt.

I remember from a time when we were together and Wen Qing was my only best friend during those dark moments.

"Xie Xie" I thank her as we sit and I plate her food first and then mine.

"Why are you smiling?" She enquires and as I sip the warm tea, I share "You remind me of a friend of mine, she was also a Doctor. Rather one of the best doctor in the region".


"Hm" I take a bite and then explain "I owe her my life. We all owe her our life. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't even be here" I reminisce to the memory of all those times, Wen Qing saved my life.

"Where is she now?"

Halting my moments, my eyes glaze back to the day when Wen Qing and Wen Ning and the entire Wen Clan sacrificed themselves.

"She's happy wherever she is" I smile at her "I am sure, she's healthy, happy and striving to save many people" placing few vegetables in her plate "April, I don't have enough words to thank you for being there for my Yibo. If anyone could save him, I know it would be you. Rather if I can stay here, it's only because I know you're there with him".

"Xiao Zhan, I don't know what's going on here and I don't even want to know. It's personal and I respect that but for some reason, something makes me want to reach out to you two and that's what I am doing."

"Brother Xi Chen sent you here, didn't he?" I smile "always the one to care for another. April, how is Lan Zhan?"

She looks up and nods "Physically he's better but neurologically, very little activity. Xiao Zhan, more than him, I am worried about you" her voice is stern and I inwardly smile. Something's never change.

"Don't worry about me. Tell me something about you? You have a good family?"

She smiles and her eyes light up "Yes, thanks for asking, married for past 8years. We got married when I was still in college. He supported me throughout medical school. Shared all the responsibility. He's perfect" a small blush creeps onto her cheeks and I grin.

"What does he do?"

"He's a businessman. A merchant. He's into import and export" she beams and I am genuinely happy for her.

If anyone deserves happiness the most it's you, Wen Qing.

We eat in companionable silence and soon the dishes are washed and cleaned up. Soon, she places a box of medicine in front of me.

"Please eat this. These would some what help you regain your strength" and I chuckle sadly "April, no amount of medicine you give me is going to help me"

"What do you mean?"

I shake my head "Nothing"

"I swear at times, you act like a child. Stubborn" and I laugh "You'll be a great Mother" and she sobers at that "you think?"
"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing" she looks away and gets ready to leave.

"April" the concern in my voice makes her turn to me and I realise, the empathy in me conveys her problem to me, she is unable to conceive.

Walking upto her, I place my palm on her forehead. Closing my eyes, I channel the prowess of Stygian Tiger Seal from within me and pray You've always taken lives, for once perform what I cultivated you for. Help her. Help them. Give them life. She deserves it. She's the one who deserves the most. Take my life and help her.

I feel a burning sensation within me and soon my heart rate speeds up. Controlling my heartburn, I look at her  and smile "Don't worry, everything will work out for good".

She smiles and is about to leave when I part with my final words "I know Brother Xi Chen is worried about me and would want you to check up on me again but April, don't come back."

Her smile freezes and she inquires slowly "Would this be the last time I'd be seeing you?"

Smiling sadly I bow and enter Jingshi without another look. From behind the curtains I see her leave with heavy heart and I pray for her safety. Her family's safety. Her futures safety.

This is my salvation for my pasts crime. 

Awww our Wei Ying amazes me always. Is there anyone as caring as this guy? Wei Ying and Wen Qing shares such a pure Friendship in the past and now, he knows what it does to him to use the Stygian Tiger Seal.

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