Chapter 1

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Gracely's POV

I left my village. I hated my village, Olira, and I was the Lord's daughter. I ran away because my parents were abusive and they hated me. I had an older sister, but she died so that she wouldn't get any responsibility, she hated it as much as I do. I considered death, but knew that there was a bigger world out there. I knew what to do, and so I ran away.

It seems a little crazy thinking back on it, but that's just the way it goes. A 7 year old, running away from home. Now I'm 17, and I found a new village a few weeks ago. I've been living in the trees near it.

"Laurence, look up, there's something up there," a man said, pointing up to where my camp was in the trees.

I froze, stopped eating my breakfast, trying to locate where my sword was. Candlesticks, it's in the tree next to me. I should really keep that thing by me at all times. All of a sudden, a gust of wind came by, and I knew what I had to do. I silently leaped to the other tree and grabbed my sword, hoping that the things below me didn't see. Unfortunately, luck was not on my side.

"Travis, up there, it leaped from the other tree," the other guy, Laurence I think, said.

They took out their bow and arrows and aimed them up at me. I went to the base of the tree on the branch that I was on. They both fired, hitting the tree next to me. I quickly pulled the arrows out, and threw them at them, hitting the man, Travis I think, in the arm and Laurence in the leg. Travis fainted, and Laurence looked at me. I grabbed some venison, wrapped it in some leaves, and I leaped down from the tree.

My hood was up and I was wearing a bandana over my mouth, so he couldn't see my face. I silently pitched Travis onto my shoulder, and put one of Laurence's arms over my shoulders. We silently made our way to Phoenix Drop, which is the village from whence they came from. We reached the gates, and I stopped a little ways outside of them. I set Travis down gently, who was starting to wake up, and I took Laurence's arm off my shoulder. I was just about to leave when Laurence asked,

"Hey, what's your name?"

"I don't trust you, so I'll tell you my nickname, it's Gray," I said, in a both gender voice.

"Laurence, we didn't get any food, the girls are gonna not have dinner. We have to go back out there," Travis complained.

"Travis, I would like to, but we're injured, we can't," Laurence replied.

"But Laurence," Travis started.

"Here," I said, putting the leaf wrapped venison in his lap.

"It's just a bunch of leafs," Travis said, then opening it to find the venison inside, "We can't take this from you."

"And you can't hunt, so take it. I have plenty of food," I replied.

"Fine, but we will be coming back to your camp, and we will bring you back to our village," Laurence said.

"Well then, you better bring some more men with more experience," I said.

"Oh we will Gray, we will," Travis said.

Then I took off, running until they couldn't see me, then leaping into the trees, and jumping back to my camp.


When I arrived at my camp, I finished my breakfast, and then I started packing up. I always get chased away from where I'm staying. One spot never lasts more than a week, and this one has lasted a few, so I'm grateful. I had two options, either pack up and leave, or fight back. I never tried to fight back before, so I went with that, to figure out if I actually could.

I set up various traps, and I gathered all my stuff into one tree, not spread out like it used to be. I finished at dusk and then I ate dinner. I just stayed in my tree for about 3 days before I heard noises in the distance, and I felt the presence of people coming closer. I grabbed the bow and arrows that I made yesterday, and I made sure that I had my sword in it's scabbard on my waist.

"Gray, come out now, and we won't hurt you," a woman's voice said, slowly coming closer.

I said nothing, watching them come closer. I hid in the tree's foliage, so that they couldn't see me.

"Gray, please come with us willingly and no one will get hurt," Laurence said.

"Oh yeah, and how did that work out last time?" I asked in a both gender voice, it booming through the forest.

"Gray, please," a man's voice said, it sounding familiar.

I paused, thinking about everyone that I had met on my journey around the world. All the people that I could think of were Harmon, Kelson, but they died. There was also Zane, but something bad happened to him.

Wait a minute, is that Garroth? I took my chances, and asked,

"Garroth? Is that you?"

"Gray? You made it!" Garroth replied.

I silently set down my bow and arrows, and I leapt from about 50 feet in the air and landed silently. I landed in a crouch, with my head facing the ground. I had my cloak on, with the hood up, and my bandana on, so no one could tell who I really was. When I looked up, I saw Garroth's face, and knew that this was going to be interesting.

When I met Garroth almost 9 years ago, around a year after I ran away from home. Before I left, he told me to come visit the village Phoenix Drop, but I couldn't find it. When I finally found it a few weeks ago, I thought that Garroth might have forgotten, and that I wouldn't be welcome. Especially because when I found his brother, Zane, he yelled at me and wounded me, then just left. Or that he left, and hadn't stayed at Phoenix Drop.

But now I had found him, and I knew that this was going to be interesting. I stood up, and looked at the group around me. There was two women, Garroth, Laurence, Travis, and another man. I looked back at Garroth and said,

"How do I know that you haven't turned out to be like your brother?"

He scowled and said,

"That coward, I would kill myself if I ever even considered joining his side. Wait, when did you meet him?"

"A few years ago, he yelled at me, saying that he would kill me if I didn't join his side. I refused to be on his side and so he wounded me to the point where he thought that I was dead, and then he left. Never saw him since," I replied.

"Ah, so that's why your afraid of me then," Garroth said, smirking.

"No, that's why I'm gonna have to test that," I said, pulling out my sword.

"Oh it's on," Garroth said, pulling out his sword.

Everyone else backed away, giving us some space for a one on one fight. I knew what I had to do, and so I waited for him to strike.

(Word count: 1235)

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