Chapter 3

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Gracely's POV

When I got up, Garroth took me to the guard tower, where we met Aphmau, Aaron, and Katelyn.

"So Gray, what are you good at?" Aaron asked.

"I am good at cooking, combat, teaching, building, and survival," I said, rattling off my short list.

"We could use her on combat, there has been some weird things going on in the north lately," Garroth said quickly.

"How do we know we can trust her though?" Katelyn asked.

I pulled a seed out of my pocket, and held it out in the palm of my hand.

"This," I said.

"A seed? What will that do?" Katelyn retorted.

"This is a seed from the tree of trust. I found it on my way here. If I make an oath on this seed saying that I will forever be on your side, and I break it, then it will shrivel up, and alert everyone on your side that I have turned," I explained, "Furthermore, I will be injured internally, and will eventually die, unless I turn back. If I turn back, then the seed will be healthy again, and it will alert everyone on your side every time I turn sides. It will also always return to the holder if lost, which I appoint the holder position to Aphmau."

"So how do you make an oath?" Aaron asked.

"Here, let's do it now. You may want to shield your eyes though," I warned, and everyone quickly averted their eyes, "O mighty seed from the tree of trust, I shall make this promise, to never leave the side of good, the side of which Aphmau, Aaron, Garroth, and Katelyn are united upon. Please take this oath, and make it so that if I break it, then I will have one month before I die. I appoint the holder position to Lord Aphmau."

I finished the oath, and the seed lit up with a blinding white light, and then quickly dimmed.

"Okay, it's safe to look now," I said, making everyone look at the seed again, "Aphmau, please hold out your hand, palm up."

Aphmau did as I said, and the seed floated out of my hand, and into hers. She closed her fist around it, and gently put the seed into her pocket, safely tucking it away.

"Well, it's settled then. Gray, follow me, let's get you ready," Garroth said, leading me away


When we finished getting ready, Garroth lead me north of the village, and immediately I sensed powerful magic. I silently held up my hand to stop him, and then I whispered,

"There's powerful magic nearby, I'll go first, and if we start fighting, then come in. If not, then let me take care of it," I said, creeping forward.

Garroth left, going around to the other side. I then stepped out into the clearing, and met Laurence?

"Laurence, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Heh, I'm here to get back my Lord," Laurence said.

A portal opened before my eyes, and Zane walked out of it, and it closed behind him.

"Zane?" I asked.

"It's Lord Zane to you, peasant," Zane said, smirking.

"As if, Ro'Meave," I growled.

Zane blew me off my feet with a gust of wind, throwing my backward, making me hit a tree. I slumped down, but immediately got back up.

"As if you could ever get rid of me that easily, Zane," I commented.

Vines sprouted out of the ground, wrapping themselves around Laurence, pinning him to a tree and taking all of his weapons.

"One on one," I remarked, "Just like old times."

"And just like old times, I'll win," Zane smirked.

"Oh really? You won?" I said, pulling out the amulet from my pocket, "I think I won."

Zane growled, and got ready to send another gust of wind at me, but the amulet glowed, and I rose into the air. Light orange and light blue wings sprouted out of my back, and I towered over Zane. A glowing orange sword appeared in my hand, and I gently set myself on the ground using my wings.

"Well, this changes things," Zane remarked.

Then Zane rose up, and blood red wings sprouted from his back. A black sword appeared in his hand, and he hit the ground too.

"Well then, good luck Zane, you'll need it," I smirked.

"As if Gray, you're gonna need all the luck you can get," Zane replied, then he ran towards me, and the battle began.


I slashed my sword at him, and cut his side, while he cut my leg. I flew up out of his reach, only to have him fly up next to me. Black blood leaked from his wound, but I couldn't see what color my blood was. I just hope that it's not anything like Zane's.

"Gray, watch out!" Garroth yelled, throwing his sword.

I flew away and a second later, the sword hit Zane in the stomach. He fluttered down to the ground, and took the sword out of him.

"Your going to regret that, Garroth," Zane growled, advancing.

I then threw my sword to Garroth, and he caught it just in time. He fought against Zane, but he got a few slashes, and was weakened immediately. I couldn't leave him now, where he could die, so I flew at Zane, and picked him up by his back.

Apparently, that was a bad decision because he twisted, and thrust his sword into my right side, and cut me deep. Instead of crying out, Garroth was, laughing?

"Hah, serves you right Gray, you never knew who was on what side," Garroth laughed evilly.

I dropped Zane, and fluttered up into a tree top. I clutched my side as I slowly took out the amulet.

"That amulet is mine, Gray," Zane growled, flying up to my height.

"Haha, you can't have it, because it's mine," I laughed.

"No, it's mine," Zane insisted.

"You don't understand," I said, laughing slightly, "It claimed me."

Zane's eyes widened in realization, and he suddenly narrowed his eyes at me, getting ready to attack. Before he could get much further, my amulet glowed, and a gust of wind came rushing by, blowing him into a tree, getting him tangled up in the branches. I flew up into the air, and before I got the chance to fly away, Garroth threw my sword at me, and it collided with my right arm, cutting it off completely.

My arm dropped down, and I looked at it once, and then flew off towards the village.

(Word count: 1064)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2019 ⏰

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