Teasing (Housh x Stephen)

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Story Type: Fluff

POV: 3rd Person


Daniel was feeling a bit mad, but he was also feeling mischievous.

A few days ago, Stephen and Housh came to spend the whole week with him and were planning to make a video. It was going to be watching fanart and fan animations, but of course, Stephen had to tease Daniel in every video and picture they watched and saw saying, "Daniel, you look so stupid in this one!" and "Daniel, you looked disgusting in that one!". It really irritated him. They got the video posted, but Daniel didn't appreciate all of the comments that Stephen threw at him.

So that's why Daniel planned to wake up before Stephen, sneak into his room where he was sleeping, and scare the crap out of him!

While also recording the whole thing on his phone. He considered if he should post the outcome or not, but Stephen will forgive him (eventually) no matter what he'll do.

'That mother fudger deserves it.', Daniel thought while drifting off to sleep. 'I'll show him who's the real stupid one!'

Just like he had planned, he woke up at 7:30am thank to his phone.

Daniel grabbed his life device and snuck out of his bedroom down the hall. Daniel realized that Housh would probably hear him yell, since his room is between his and Stephens. Daniel thought about what to do about that, but shrugged it off. Once Housh knew what had happened, he just laugh it off with him and be greatful that he wasn't targeting him for once.

Daniel walked up to Stephen's door, and opened it slowly. It was darker in there then the hallway and he couldn't see a thing, but mainly because the blinds were down. Daniel could still see the figure of the psychopath sleeping in his bed. 

That gave Daniel a jump scare idea.

Daniel slowly crept across the room to the window, and grabbed the strings of the blinds. He also started recording on his phone.

Daniel whispered  3 2 1 into the phone, and pulled on the blind strings as hard as he could.

"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!", Daniel yelled while laughing to himself.

And Daniel got the reaction he was looking for. Stephen jolted awake looking around the room like an idiot until his eyes landed on Dan.

"Daniel, What the fuck!?", Stephen shouted at him while Daniel was laughing historically.

"That's what you get, you mother fudger!", Daniel yelled back still recording and laughing.

That was...until another figured emerged from under the sheets. 

"What's going on?" Housh asked tired and confused...and from Daniel could see shirtless.

Daniel then actually took a look at his surroundings. From Daniel's view both Housh AND Stephen were shirtless, but the outdoor light helped him noticed the clothes they both had on scattered on the floor from the day before...even pants and boxers.

With this realization, Daniel started laughing again.

"HOLY SHIT, DID YOU BOTH ACTUALLY-", but he couldn't finish his sentence for laughing so much.

Housh was hiding his face clearly embarrassed, and Stephen looked pissed as hell.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, DANIEL AND GET THE HELL OUT!", Stephen shouted once again and was pretty much a red blushing mess at this point.

"Please don't tell me you were recording that...!", Housh shyly said noticing the phone in Daniel's hand. Daniel only then remembered and realized the WHOLE thing was recorded. They all looked at each other, but Stephen definitely looked like he wanted to kill him so he got out of there and went back to his room real fast and locked the door. As expected, 20 seconds later an angry stabby boy came running down the hall way trying to open the door and pounded on it.


"Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!", Daniel mocked, only making Stephen madder.

This went on for 10 minutes before Stephen gave up on opening the door. Daniel was shaking, not only from the fear of almost literally getting murdered, but from what he just seen.

His best friends fucked each other! And with that he silently went back to laughing.

With enough convincing (and bribing), Daniel deleted the video...or they thought he did. They didn't talk to each other to Daniel for the rest of the week, so they didn't do much, and they didn't voice chat with him for a month, therefore delaying videos. They are all best friends though, so of course they made up, but every time Housh or Stephen would flirt with each other he would jokingly add, "Well, who's top and who's bottom?". It was embarrassing for them, but they would all laugh it off in the end.

But little do the others know...that Daniel saved and kept that video...and he'll keep it for all eternity.


Hey guys! So, after I realized that I would never be able to continue the K-12 Danplan story, I decided to do one shots!

I will do request on the next post!

Bai Bai!


(P.s, I've been writing this for an hour and 30 minutes now and it's 2:30am ;w;)

Word count: 829

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