Jealous (Daniel x Jay)

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Story Type: Fluff

POV: 3rd Person

Requested by: AlkalineRain


Jay was mad. Not at himself, not at his friends, not at anyone he knew. He was mad at a complete stranger.

Why? Because she was flirting with Daniel. Aka, Jay's boyfriend.

Sure, they only just started dating 3 weeks ago and he shouldn't be attached, but Jay still stood there glaring at the stranger from a distance and filled with rage. Dispite this though, Jay trusted Daniel that he would do the right thing and shut her down. He was Christen after all.

Just a minute ago, Jay and Daniel were walking in the park talking and having a good time but then all of a sudden this random women "accidentally" bumped into Daniel and started having a flat out conversation with him and started using pick up lines! 'That's so fucking retarded!', Jay thought wanting ever so badly to slap her.

Jay's thoughts were interrupted by what the woman said next.

"So cutie pie, want to grab a cup of coffee some time?", she said while twirling her hair and attempting to sound sexual.

Jay just about had it and walked over to the two, and wrapped his arm around Daniel's waist.

"Sorry slut, but he's with me.", Jay said while trying his hardest not to sound furious and managed a fake smile.

The woman was about to protest, but she saw the other people around us watching and left. After she was out of view, Jay grabbed Daniel's hand and started walking to a different area without saying anything.

"Hey what's wrong? Where are we going?", Daniel kept asking as Jay lend them to a complete isolated area. After a few more minutes Jay stopped and turned around to face Daniel.

"Be honest with me but...would you leave me for pretty people like her?", Jay asked as tears formed in his eyes. Jay knew that woman was obviously a skank, but she was beautiful, and her conversation with Daniel made her sound so kind and...Jay couldn't stand that.

"Oh Jay, of course not!", Daniel said as he wrapped his arms around Jay and looked up at him. "That woman would never be good for me. Hell. No one would ever even come close to compare to you. You are my everything, Jay. Your funny, handsome, and one of the kindest people I ever met in my life. You are all I need."

Jay processed the words in his mind over and over again. "Thank you.", was all he could muter before he embraced Daniel and had tears dripping down his face.

"Let me guess, you were jealous?", Daniel asked looking up at him as Jay just about finished wiping his tears away. "Tell you what, you want us to go grab some coffee? I'll pay."

"Sure, but I'm paying. I insist my dear.", Jay said while bowing with an accent.

After a few more laughs, they walked hand and hand to the nearest coffee shop.


Hey guys! I'm so sorry to the person who requested this and that I literally took a month, I had a lot going on at the time.

Also I hope that I did this right!

Anyway, bai!


(P.s, sorry that it's so short! ;w;)

Word Count: 547

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