Chapter 2

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Shawn's POV:
We just landed in China again for our last show here, and I'm feeling so excited to just get these last two shows finished.  Don't get me wrong going on stage every night in front of thousands of people, seeing the smiles and hearing the crowd screaming every lyric is the best feeling in the world.  Being in a new city every night, new country every week is incredible, but ever since Camila and I started dating the longer we are apart the harder it gets.  Our flight was a little delayed when we left from Manila so we got to the hotel in Macau pretty late.  When we got to the floor in the hotel the boys and I said our good nights and went into our respective rooms.  I repeated the same routine I've repeated all tour, showering and going straight to bed.  Once I was in bed I decided to call Camila since it was already morning where she was, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to talk with her because she was going to be on her flight to New York for her SNL performance.  I clicked her contact in my phone and waited until she picked up.  She picked up after a few rings and spoke first, "Good morning my love.  Have you gotten to China yet?"  Each time we facetimed she had a big smile on her face, but ever since my show in Shanghai she's been dodging my calls more and more and when we did talk I could tell something was still off with her.  "Uhh yeah we've been here for a few hours.  How are you, you've been kind of dodging my calls lately, is everything okay?"  I hope she feels she can be open with me and tell me things, and I really wanted her to tell me if there was something going on, but she always brushes it off by saying she's tired.  "Yeah everything's fine I think I'm just coming down with like a cold or something."  A cold that explains her being tired all the time, but it's been like a month since she's felt like this.  Maybe she's been working herself too hard.  I mean she's been to London, Paris and New York all in the span of a few weeks constantly flying and constantly working.  Of course I would never tell her that I was worried that she's working herself too hard because her work ethic is insane and she would be annoyed if I told her something.  Instead I expressed how much I can't wait to see her, "Oh okay, I'm sorry you feel sick.  I can't wait to see you, it's less than 5 days now."  This got her face beaming from ear to ear.  "Yes OMG, I hope they go by fast because I can't wait to see you.  This leg of the tour has been so hard not being able to see you.  It's been almost a month since I've been in your arms, and I just can't wait to be near you again."  Well when she puts it like that she just makes me want to tear up with her words, "Mila are you trying to make me cry, because if you are it's working!  Babe when do you leave for New York?"  She of course started laughing at me which just made me miss her even more.  "I'm getting ready to head to the airport right now actually, which is why I once again have to unfortunately cut this call short.  I'm sorry."  Once again our call had to be cut short, but what was I going to do complain?  No, I can't complain because I'm the reason we're always 12 hours apart from each other at all times.  "It's fine, I get it.  We're both busy, we have our own careers, and we can't just drop everything all the time. I get it.  Do me a favor, and call me once you get into JFK.  I don't care what time it is, facetime me anyway."  I knew that she probably wouldn't want to call me back for the day since I'm probably going to be asleep, but I had to insist.  "Okay baby I love you so much.  And yes I promise I will call you as soon as I land.  Goodbye my love."  Saying goodbye everyday never got any easier, but at least I get to see her in less than a week.  "I love you.  Have a safe flight, bye."  The next day went by in a flash and it was the morning of my performance in Macau at Cotai Arena.  Andrew left pretty early this morning to Shanghai to pick up the ring I bought Camila so he could be back in time for the show.  After we all ate breakfast at the hotel we took off to the arena to soundcheck.  Soundchecking is always a blast because the whole arena is empty and we can just like goof off.  Before we knew it we played "In My Blood" and the show came to an end.  We drove back to the hotel where Andrew gave me the ring, and it was still just as beautiful as the last time I saw it.  We went to sleep after that because we would be catching a 9 am flight to Tokyo.  We landed in Tokyo this morning and are headed to the hotel.  On the drive from the airport to the hotel it really hit me that after this show I would be back in LA to see her, to give her the ring, and I don't know how she's going to react.  I mean I'm not asking her to marry me at least not yet, but just the idea of promising myself to her forever can go horribly wrong.  Even though we have been in love with each other since we were 16 we have only been dating for a few months and she might think it's too soon.  I hope she likes it because I paid like $15,000 for it.  Not that it matters because I would pay that a million times over to make her happy. 

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