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Hello all. I hope this finds everyone well in this difficult time. I want to start off by saying thank you so much for the continued love and support on this story it means the world to me!! I can't wait for you guys to see where this story goes, but I wanted to ask you all something.  I've had an idea in my head for a while, it's a shawmila story that is AU so they will not be themselves but it will follow a different story that is very in tune to the song "Treat You Better".  Would you be interested in reading this story? Idk if I would write both at the same time or once I end Something Big because I will be having some small time jumps here and there throughout Something Big nothing too drastic but time jumps nonetheless. So just let me know what you guys think. Love you all very much, continue to like and comment because I love reading them it gets me more excited to write!

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