Chapter 5

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Camila POV:
    Shawn was standing at my apartment door at 11 o'clock at night.  He just stared at me and I stared at him.  I didn't know how to react I was in shock.  His eyes looked at me with such love, and hurt.  His eyes went from my face all the way down the rest of my body.  Then they stopped.  They stopped and it took me out of my trance.  I realized what he was staring at and my hand flew there and brushed past it.  I panicked, and I turned to close the door on him, but he put out his foot to stop me.  "Mila you're pregnant?"  His voice cracked on the verge of tears.  Well I guess this was it he knows now.  There's no denying it.  "Uhh yeah."  I couldn't find any other words.  "Is it mine?"  I was a little hurt with the question because who else would it be.  "Of course he's yours."  By this point we both had tears rolling down our cheeks.  "He?"  I put my hand back on my belly and spoke.  "Shawn why are you here?"  He used his sleeve to wipe the tears from his face and spoke.  "Have you listened to the remix I did with Taylor?"  "Shawn I don't have time for this it's late and I'm really tired.  Quite frankly I don't have anything to say to you."  "Camila please."  It's been over a month, so I guess I should just see what excuse he's going to try and give me.  "Fine Shawn, but nothing you say is going to change anything.  Oh and be quiet my mom is asleep I don't need her waking up, so I am not going to argue with you."  I opened the door so he could walk in.  "Thank you Camila."  "Sure whatever."  We walked to the couch, and he sat next to me, but I scooted further from him.  "That's close enough."  I saw the hurt in his eyes, and he clenched his jaw at my words.  "Okay I'm sorry."  "Camila please let me explain what you saw in Tokyo.  I know it looked bad, but what you saw is not what it seems."  All of a sudden I just like started laughing.  It's not funny at all, but he's really trying the cliche, "Oh it's not what you think you saw".  "So Shawn please enlighten me.  What did I see then?  Because I saw a woman all over you kissing your neck."  He moved closer to me and grabbed my hand in his, but I pulled away.  "No Shawn you don't just get to do that."  "Camila think about it.  Would I ever hurt you?  You know how much I love you.  You know that you're the only one for me.  That you're it for me."  He was full blown crying at this point.  Then there came my hormones and the water works.  He leaned in and wiped my tears away with his thumbs, and I didn't pull away this time.  "My love I was so drunk after the show in Tokyo.  We all went to the bar and got super drunk.  I got up to pee because I had way too many drinks, and I was wasted, so I was barely able to walk on my own."  "Are you trying to say that she took advantage of you.  You honestly expect me to believe that Shawn?"  "Yes that is exactly what happened.  I bumped into her in the hallway of the bathroom, and she put me in her arms, so I thought that she was just going to help me walk to the bathroom.  Instead she pushed me up against the wall, and you know the rest.  Then I pushed her off of me once I realized what was going on.  I ran to the bathroom and she tried to follow me, but I locked the door, so she couldn't get in."  The way he was telling the story, the amount of hurt and shame in his voice was enough for me to believe him.  "Then I walked out of the bathroom, and I got back to our private room.  The boys thought you had flown to surprise me, and that we had hot bathroom sex because I had hickeys on my neck."  The image of someone else's lips on his neck was too much for me and it just pissed me off.  I interrupted him before he finished, and I put my forehead to his.  "Enough Shawn.  Stop.  I don't want to hear it anymore.  I believe you baby, I believe you."  Through his tears he said, "You do?"  I grabbed his hand and placed it on top of my belly, and we just sat there.  "So we're having a baby, huh?"  I removed my forehead from his and placed my hand on top of his.  "Yeah, we are.  I am so sorry that I didn't tell you sooner."  He put my face in his hands.  "You don't owe me an explanation hunny."  He was so sweet just trying to downplay that I kept arguably the biggest secret of our lives from him.  "No Shawn it's okay for you to be upset with me.  I should have told you sooner.  I had no right to keep this from you.  God I am so sorry that I didn't even trust you.  I would understand if you want to take a break or even break up altogether."  My tears were running like waterfalls from my eyes.  "Hey do not ever say that ever.  I am never leaving you or this baby.  We are a family.  Besides that month that we spent apart was the worst month of my life, so let's never do that again okay."  He wiped the tears off my face again.  "Shawn stay the night.  Sleeping without you this past month has been hell.  So please stay."  "My love where else would I go you're my home.  You and our baby are my home."  He moved his face down to my stomach and kissed it.  I have been waiting for this moment since I found out I was pregnant.  I have never been happier than in this moment.  I got up to go to my bedroom and he stopped me.  "So what exactly were you going to do with this knife?"  He had the knife in his hand and was walking with it to the kitchen, so I followed him.  "Well I mean it's like midnight I wasn't expecting anyone to show up, and mama and I are here alone."  "Well then good thing I'm here now."  I started laughing at his overprotective comment.  "Yeah okay.  You know you're a scaredy cat, and would've grabbed a frying pan.  I know you by the back of my hand Shawn Peter Raul Mendes."  He walked up to me and turned me towards his chest, and wrapped his arms around me so his hands fell on top of my belly.  He started kissing my neck and whispered into my ear, "And I know you by the back of my hand Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao".  "Shawn my mom is asleep in the other room wait till we get into my bedroom."  We walked into my bedroom and he started taking his clothes off. "Hey do you mind if I shower?  I haven't showered since I drove here all the way from Pickering."  "Of course let me turn the water on and I'll join you."  I turned the water on for the shower and as I walked back out I saw Shawn down on one knee.  "Shawn what are you doing? Oh my god!"  "Okay first this is not a marriage proposal at least not yet anyway.  This is me promising you that I love you and only you, and that I can't wait to one day get the chance to propose to you and call you my wife."  He got up and reached for his jacket on the floor and pulled out a dark blue box.  "Shawn oh my god a Harry Winston ring."  "So is that a yes to accepting my promise?"  "Yes, yes of course it is a yes.  It will always be a yes."  He slid the ring on my finger and got up to kiss me.  He started taking my pyjamas off and then he picked me up and I jumped into his arms.  He walked with me in his arms inside the shower and pinned me against the shower wall.  He went from kissing my lips to my neck and then he put me down and made his way down my body until he landed on my belly.  He put one hand on either side of my belly and planted a kiss right above my belly button.  I put my hands in his hair and started running my fingers through it.  Then he started talking not to me, but to the baby.  "Hey princess it's your daddy.  God I am so excited to meet you."  I hated to ruin the cutest moment, but I had to.  "Umm excuse me daddy.  Uhh yeah no the princess is a prince.  We are having a boy."  He stood up laughing.  He planted a kiss to my lips.  "Oh yeah and how are you so sure, hmm?"  "Call it mother's intuition.  Wow I really just said that.  This is really happening.  We are having a baby Shawn."  He smiled the biggest smile and kissed me again.  "Yes we are.  Half of you and half me is cooking in there."  He placed his hand back on my belly.  "Now let's actually shower now because I have been waiting over a month to have you in my arms."  We got out of the shower,  put our pjs on and got ready for bed.  "God I've missed you so much.  These past few weeks sleeping without you have been horrible."  He kissed me on my cheek and then pulled me into him.  He put his hands on my belly again and started rubbing it with his thumbs.  He whispered in my ear, "I promise that we will never be apart again as long as I live.  That month having you hate me and me not being able to do anything about it was hell for me, but I am not going to dwell on it anymore because we are together now.  All three of us, and I am never letting either of you go."  I turned around in his arms and pecked him on the lips.  I have never been happier than this moment. 

You guys did it over 100 reads and 25 likes. 
I had this part of the story in my pocket for a while and couldn't wait to share it, so I hope you enjoyed it!!!  Since I did a double update today there probably won't be one for a little while, but not too long since the semester is almost over and then I'm free to write🤩

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