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vikkstar: 1

wroetoshaw: hey, had a good day?

vikkstar: differs

wroetoshaw: tell me about it

vikkstar: why would you care

wroetoshaw: why would i not? i'm bored out of my mind

vikkstar: well i guess
vikkstar: a lot of things have just gone downhill for me at school is all

wroetoshaw: like what?

vikkstar: don't really want to talk about it

wroetoshaw: understandable
wroetoshaw: but if something really is wrong, you should talk to people you're close to about it. they may be able to help

vikkstar: it's something i shouldn't talk about with them

wroetoshaw: what about someone you don't really know?

vikkstar: okay fine harry i'll tell you about it tomorrow alright

wroetoshaw: yayyyy

vikkstar: nosy shit

wroetoshaw: hehe

vikkstar: goodnight harry

wroetoshaw: goodnight vik
wroetoshaw: 1

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