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vik's pov

just five more minutes. five more minutes until class is over and i can leave this shithole for the weekend.

five more minutes until i can go home and wait for harry.

i'm really glad simon suggested we talked. at first, it was a weird occurrence, being messaged by a random stranger and all. but it had only been ten days and i felt like we were best friends already.

he's the only one that's ever really been willing to listen besides tobi. but we don't talk about him anymore.

he's gone.

the bell rung through the halls, signifying that class had now ended. the teacher, who was standing up front, sighed.

"get this done for homework please by our next class on tuesday. abbie, stay behind, i need to talk to you. everyone else you can go." the room filled with chair squeaks and papers turning as all students packed up their belongings and headed for the door. a smile made its way onto my face as i paced to my locker.

i was really excited to see harry, which was a first since i hated socialising.

harry's pov

it was now 4:30, so i quickly chucked on a lightweight sweatshirt with my complimentary joggers. my bag was sat on my bed, pajamas and extra clothes scattered in the large pocket.

i didn't think it was necessary to bring a pillow, as the house was filled with four boys. i was pretty certain they would have at least one pillow laying around somewhere.

when i was done in the bathroom, i looked myself over in the mirror. this had been one of the first times i wanted to make a somewhat decent impression. but obviously i wouldn't care if my hair was to get knotty or something stupid along those lines.

like i said to vik, this sleepover was going to be a no fake zone. we were going to be completely honest and not have any sort of mask on, which i was grateful for.

i nodded my head and smiled, grabbing my backpack and throwing it onto my slim back. my feet wandered down the stairs of my parents house as i got to the door.

thing was, my parents didn't really give a shit as to what i was up to. and it wasn't in a sense that they let me do whatever and were happy for me, it was because they just didn't care about my existence.

we haven't had a proper family chat in three years. so i grew attached to my friends real quickly over time, desperate for some sort of attention.

i grabbed one of the spare keys, lobbing it into my pocket once i locked the door from the outside. i had to take the bus to theirs since i was only a learner driver. and i didn't want to bother one of them to come pick me up.

i asked all the boys except vik to not tell him when i arrived. i wanted to walk to his room and greet him by myself, hoping that he'd be lost in time when the time came. then be surprised when i walked through the door.

i scanned my card and sat down in an available two-seater, knowing that i was spending this journey alone. there was only about ten other people on the bus besides me, so i doubted they'd sit directly next to me since there were so many available seats elsewhere.

what i didn't expect was the drive to feel like it was dragged out. it felt like an hour i had just been staring down at my phone for, but in reality it had only been fifteen minutes.

a wave of nervousness washed over me as the bus came to a stop.

"thank you," i smiled at the bus driver and hopped off as he reciprocated the expression. i walked in the same direction as the bus as it took off once again, leaving me far behind in dust.

my cheeks were in utter pain from having the same upturned lips the whole time. and when i got to the house, my smile grew even larger if that was physically possible.

i texted josh that i was outside, not wanting vik to hear me if i was to knock.

about a minute after i sent the text, the door was being unlocked and a bright-smiled josh came into view.

"hey harry, good to see you again." he said after pulling me in for a hug.

"yeah, good to be back."

"if you want to go straight to vik's room, it's up the stairs and right. first room in the hallway is his. his door will probably be open though anyway as he's waiting for you." josh beamed at me and i obliged with a nod.

"i'll talk to jj and simon later—i feel like we don't have the best energy right now." my voice lowered towards the end as i stepped into the house.

"everything all good with you guys?" josh questioned, observing my expression.

"kind of. i'll talk to you about it later, right now i really need to see vik." he gave me a knowing nod and waved his hand towards the stairs, smirking.

"don't get too freaky." i gave him a death glare as i held onto the railing.

"he has a boyfriend josh!" i whisper-yelled. he laughed and walked away, letting me have my peace.

although there wasn't a peaceful tension in the air as all my nerves kicked in. i was about to meet vikkstar, the boy i had been talking to for only ten days.

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