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harry's pov

when i got to the final step, i peered into the first room as the door was open like josh said it might be.

vik was sitting there, headphones on. it was adorable how concentrated he looked.

wait, what?

i shook my head softly and walked up to his chair, somehow not being spotted yet.

"hey vik," i said, which caused him to jolt upright and look in the direction of the voice. once the image and the faces clicked, he leapt up and hugged me so tightly i felt like i was being suffocated in sand.

"HARRY," he shouted, causing me to burst out in laughter.

"why didn't you tell me you were coming?" he asked as he pulled away, a sad tone in his voice.

"thought it'd be somewhat of a surprise—although it is five." i pointed to the time on his monitor and he facepalmed.

"i should've came down to check. i'm sorry, i was watching a video and didn't even remember-"

"you don't have to explain yourself vik." we smiled at each other, but it turned into a full blown stare session. i quickly cleared my throat.

"LET'S GO BUILD A FORT!" i shouted and ran out of his room, back down the stairs. i heard a cute laugh from behind me, whilst i was stuck in one position.

when vik walked down the stairs, he saw why i didn't move.

jj and simon were having a make-out session on the kitchen island, causing harry to frown. did they have to do it so openly?

next thing we knew, josh came storming through to the kitchen and started telling them off. it only made me laugh, but i quickly slapped myself across the face for my actions.

i turned my head back to where i left from, only to see vik gone. my lips downturned as my eyes searched the place, trying to spot him.

i walked back towards his room though as my mission was unsuccessful. my soft eyes travelled to his bed, vik sitting there with his head in his hands.

"vik?" i asked, not wanting to walk in just yet in case i was to trigger something. he gave me no response though, and just sat there silently.

fuck it, i said to myself and walked in, going over to his bed and sitting down next to him. i put my arm around his shoulders.

"vik, are you okay?"

this time, he burst into tears and clung onto my sweater, cries escaping from his body.

"i'm so fucking weak. i should be happy for them, but seeing simon show affection to him like that—it hurts. so much." i wrapped my arms around him as his cries still leached out, his grip only getting tighter.

"vik, you aren't weak. you've come so far without breaking, and that's including school. and yes, i agree, you should be happy for them, but of course it'll hurt you. especially since you're still in a relationship with him. he hasn't done you any favours there for not breaking it off," vik sighed and pulled his head up, giving me a sad smile.

"i'm glad you're here harry. i don't think i've talked to someone who's genuinely cared since..." he paused, looking around the room.

"tobi." he said simply. i frowned at him, knowing of his tragedy.

"we'll all miss tobi, he was always good to us and everyone around him. but, you guys were close?" i questioned, looking into vik's eyes.

"yeah, he used to help me with stuff like this too... kind of like a support friend? i don't know." vik sighed and stood up, looking at his doorway. he quickly wiped his eyes and smiled.

"let's go build that fort, yeah?" he asked and turned his head back in my direction. i smiled at him and nodded, getting up myself and pacing to the door.

this should at least get his mind off things for a bit.

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