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wroetoshaw: heyyyyyy vik
wroetoshaw: 5

vikkstar: hi

wroetoshaw: you had a good day?

vikkstar: no

wroetoshaw: oh
wroetoshaw: tell me about it?

vikkstar: everything that could possibly go wrong has gone wrong in just one day

wroetoshaw: i'm assuming simon talked to you?

vikkstar: yes
vikkstar: harry can i let you in on a little secret?

wroetoshaw: of course

vikkstar: it's just i haven't really told anyone about it but everyone's suspicious. kind of need someone to talk to about it

wroetoshaw: yeah sure fire away

vikkstar: i'm uhm
vikkstar: heavily bullied
vikkstar: the whole grade hates me and i'm the youngest in our friend group so that doesn't help

wroetoshaw: ;-;

vikkstar: just wanted to say that

wroetoshaw: alright
wroetoshaw: so did something happen today with your bullies?

vikkstar: yeah

wroetoshaw: wanna talk about it?

vikkstar: i guess i should
vikkstar: they tried to drown me in one of the toilets

wroetoshaw: what

vikkstar: yeah idk

wroetoshaw: now i'm wondering if i'm talking to risen from the dead vik

vikkstar: maybe you are 👻☠️💀

wroetoshaw: pls don't eat me

vikkstar: i won't
vikkstar: but yeah simon told me about everything with jj

wroetoshaw: so what's going to happen between u 2?

vikkstar: he said he just liked him as a friend for now and couldn't imagine anything more with jj. we're staying together for a bit longer

wroetoshaw: ffs

vikkstar: what?

wroetoshaw: he's practically leading you on

vikkstar: yeah but any last bit of affection i can gather i'll happily take

wroetoshaw: dfisbodsms

vikkstar: i'm still attached to him harry

wroetoshaw: and him keeping the relationship going is going to just hurt you more

vikkstar: yes but i still love him

wroetoshaw: vik

vikkstar: i'm trying to get over him, alright? i just don't know how long i can go without affection

wroetoshaw: vik can i ask you a serious question about your relationship with him

vikkstar: sure

wroetoshaw: in the future, do you see yourself next to him? married? with kids?

vikkstar: i'm going to be completely honest, no. i used to when we started dating but the past few months i've started to feel like an outcast and that thought completely left my mind

wroetoshaw: so he's not the one then?

vikkstar: definitely not
vikkstar: i just want any last bit of affection i can get

wroetoshaw: okay

vikkstar: thank you for listening, harry

wroetoshaw: any time vik

vikkstar: oh, and 5

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