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This couldn’t be true is what Seokjin told himself as he stared the three males in disbelief. How could he, Kim Seokjin, have kids who looked two years younger than him? This had to be a joke. A very unfunny joke done by a group of bored teenagers who had nothing better to do than mess with people. He looked up and glared at the three males. 

"Get out!" He yelled as he got up from the couch he had been laying on. They all looked at him in confusion which only upset him further. He walked over to his front door and yanked it open. “Out!”

"Bu-" Namjoon tried to speak but Seokjin cut him off.

"No, I don't care what you have to say, get out of my house. I don't know what happened or how you three got in here, but you need to go now."

They were all shocked with Seokjin’s behaviour and remained frozen in their spots. This wasn’t how they expected Seokjin to react. What was going on?

Hoseok was the first to move out of the three brothers. He approached Seokjin slowly with his arm extended outwards to touch the older's arm. "Dad-" Hoseok softly said before he was cut off by Seokjin.

"I'm not your dad!" Seokjin yelled, pulling his arm away harshly and making Hoseok cower back in fear. Namjoon seeing the fear in his brothers face, quickly went over to him and pulled him away from the angry male.

Yoongi watched as Namjoon pulled Hoseok away from Seokjin and towards him. He heard sniffles coming from the blonde and glared at Seokjin. Seokjin did nothing else but glare back at Yoongi.

Yoongi was very tempted to hit Seokjin and was about to when suddenly he felt a hand on his arm. The hand holding his arm back belonged to Namjoon, who was looking at him with a frown. Yoongi lowered his arm and Namjoon removed his hand.

"We'll leave." Namjoon said looking at Seokjin in the eye. "So please stop yelling at us."

Seokjin opened the door wider for the three males and stepped to the side so that they could exit. He stared at the three brothers as they walked out of his house and down the street. None of them looked back when he slammed the door shut, but they did flinch at the loud noise.

"Where do we go now?" Hoseok asked looking at Namjoon. As they walked down the sidewalk "Dad's all we have and he kicked us out."

"I don't know Hoseok." Namjoon said patting his brothers head. "Let's just keep walking for now."

The three boys continued walking not saying a word to one another. The only thing that prevented them from actually walking in complete silence was the noises of the busy city around them. The sounds of cars starting and going. The sounds of people talking loudly, of small animals scurrying around. All of these noises were unfamiliar to the three, yet they sounded so beautiful to them.

They stumbled across a park, something they have never seen before, and decided to look around for a bit before continuing on their journey to who knows where. Maybe they’ll figure it out while they’re there.

"It's my fault." Hoseok said suddenly. "Dad kicked us out because of me."

His brothers turned to look at him in confusion. What could the blonde possibly mean by that?

"Hoseok what are you talking about?" Namjoon asked his older brother.

"Well,” Hoseok said nervously looking up over at his brothers. “When he was passed out I kept poking his cheek because I wanted to make sure he was still alive. Yoongi told me to stop but I didn't. That's probably why he woke up really mad at us. I’m sorry, I should’ve listened to you Yoongi." 

"Hoseok don't be dumb, that wasn't why he kicked us out." Yoongi said sternly.

"It wasn't?" Hoseok asked, relief washing over him.

Yoongi shook his head and patted his brother's shoulders. "I'm not really sure why he kicked us out but I'm positive it wasn't because of you."

Hoseok smiled at his brother."Yoongi that's so nice of you." 

Yoongi let out a grunt in response. Hoseok laughed and pulled both of his brothers into a hug. Namjoon hugged him back while Yoongi struggled to get out of the blonde’s hold. The oldest eventually succeeded in getting out of his younger brother’s grasp and glared at him. Hoseok frowned and let go of Namjoon so that he could get Yoongi back into the hug. Namjoon ended up standing between Hoseok andYoongi who were running around. Hoseok was chasing Yoongi while Yoongi ran away from Hoseok.

Hoseok eventually got tired of chasing the older male and (along with Yoongi) started complaining that his stomach felt funny. Namjoon soon realized that his stomach also felt funny. The three strange males were confused as to why it was that their stomachs felt weird and were busy trying to think of the reason behind it when Hoseok let out a shriek.

"It made a noise!" He furiously pointed to his stomach and looked at his brothers with a panicked expression on his face. "My stomach made a noise!"

"You're hungry buddy." said a voice from behind them. They turned around and saw a male leaning against a tree. "If you eat something it'll stop making noise."

"Hungry?" Namjoon said. "What's that?"

"It's when your body needs more energy to keep going. You three need food. When's the last time you've eaten?" The man asked approaching them. Being the oldest and feeling as if he should protect his brothers, Yoongi quickly went to stand in front of Namjoon and Hoseok to shield them from the man. The man laughed at this and shook his head.

"I want to help, not hurt you." The man said. "Now, do you three want something to eat or not?"

The three brothers looked at each other, all of them unsure if they should trust the man or not. Although he looked a bit sketchy, his offer completely contradicted his appeal. After standing like that for a couple of seconds Namjoon spoke up.

“We’ll go with you, but first tell us your name.”

The man smiled at them again and laughed. “My name is Jungkook,” He walked a little closer to them. “Jeon Jungkook.”


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[A/N: Jungkook :0 ]

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