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Jimin sighed as he looked through some of the paperwork that was before him. It had been a long day at the office and the papers before him were only making it feel longer. Closing time was nearing but that never excited Jimin as much as it excites the other members of the office. They got to leave when closing time arrived while he had to stay behind with Dr. Park (not him, the other Dr. Park) and finish filling out paperwork. 

But since Dr. Park had gone on a vacation with his family Jimin had to stay behind in the office by himself to finish not only his share of the paperwork but Dr. Park's as well.  

The boy ran his hands through his hair as he filled out what he felt like was the billionth paper. He really wanted to get home early tonight but the amount of papers on his desk told him a different story. Just as Jimin grabbed another paper to start revising over and filling out, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." He said putting the paper down and looking up at his door to see who it was that had knocked on his door.

The door opened and the secretary's, Ahn Hyejin, head peeked in. "Dr. Park, three young men just walked in asking if they could see you. One of them is passed out and the other two are in a bit of a frantic state."

Jimin looked at the clock on his wall and then at his papers. He really wanted to finish the paperwork as soon as possible but he also wanted a break from it. Plus, Hyejin had said the boys seemed in a frantic state (probably due to the fact that one of them was passed out) so helping them out seemed like the human thing to do.

"I'll be with them in a few." Jimin said as he put the papers away. "Thank you Hyejin."

"No problem Dr. Park. I'll let them know you'll be with them shortly." She closed the door leaving Jimin alone once again. He put the papers away in their corresponding places and got out of his chair, ready to walk out of his office to check on the patient that had walked in. Or had been carried in since Hyejin had mentioned they were passed out.

"I already checked on the patient." Jihun, one of the nurses, told Jimin as he approached the area in which most of the nurses worked at. "His name is Hoseok and according to his brothers, no last name."

Jimin frowned. "No last name?"

Jihun nodded. "None of them have a last name. But they do have the same birthday."


"Yup, it's today apparently." Jihun said as he filled out some charts on the computer. "Listen to this though, when I asked how old they're turning they said they didn't know."

Jimin raised his eyebrow. "Let me get this straight then, they don't have a last name and don't know how old they are?"

"You got it Doc." Jihun laughed. "If I didn't know any better I'd say we're getting pranked but the Hoseok guy is actually passed out and he's not looking so good."

Jimin sighed. This patient and his brothers already seemed like a lot more work than the paperwork back at his office. And he hadn't even met them yet.

He thanked Jihun and began walking over to the patient area of the office and knocked on the door of the room that the patient was in. It was easy to see which room it was since it was the only one with the door closed and the lights on in the hallway.

Jimim heard a voice say come in and so he did.

What he saw before him caught him by surprise. When Hyejin and Jihun had spoken of the boys, he thought that they were actually young boys, around the age of 14 or so. Not men who looked about the same age as him. And when Hyejin and Jihun had said they were brothers, he assumed they would at least look a bit alike but the three males sitting in front of him proved his assumption wrong. They all had different colored hair and didn't really share any similar physical features other than their eye color, which was brown. 

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