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Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon had never in their life tasted something so good. Well, they had never tasted anything in their life seeing as they had just been born that day, but still, the food they were eating was quite delicious.

"Eat all you want guys, it's on me." The man said watching with amusement as the three boys devoured the plates before them. They didn't understand what he meant by 'it was on him'. The food was clearly on the table, but they didn't question the man and kept eating.

Hoseok was the first to finish and found himself staring at the male in front of him. The male, Jungkook he said his name was, was busy staring at Yoongi who had just stolen a piece of meat from Namjoon. Hoseok hadn’t noticed he had been staring for a while until Jungkook spoke to him.

"What's your name blondie?" He asked making Hoseok jump a little. His brothers looked up from their food to see if he was okay.

Hoseok pointed at himself and looked at the man. "M-me?"

"Yes you, what's your name?" Jungkook said with a smile. His smile made Hoseok feel uneasy but he answered anyways.

“Hoseok.” He said quietly trying not to look at Jungkook. He looked over at his brothers for some sort of comfort but they had already gone back to eating.

Jungkook nodded as if he had understood something which made Hoseok confused. He said nothing that would make someone understand or realize something. He had simply stated his name. 

“And who are they, are they your friends?” Jungkook asked next. 

Hoseok shook his head. “They're my brothers.” 

“You don't look much like each other.” Jungkook said. Hoseok turned to look at his brothers, who were still busy eating, to examine their features. He realized they didn't share any features except the colors of their eyes. But that doesn't mean anything, Hoseok thought as he looked back over at Jungkook. We're still brothers.

“Just because they don't look like me does not mean I can't call them my brothers.” Hoseok said.

“I didn't expect you to give such a smart answer.” Jungkook said smiling again. But this smile was different, Hoseok noticed. It was more evil.

“What do you mean?” Hoseok asked. Did he not look capable of giving a smart sounding answer? He hadn't been able to get a good look of his human face yet so he didn't really know. 

“The tall one right there-”

“Namjoon.” Hoseok said cutting Jungkook off. “His name is Namjoon.”

Jungkook smiled .“Alright then, as I was saying. Namjoon's mind is strong. Strong and smart. He knows who to trust and who not to trust. He doesn't trust me. Otherwise I would've easily entered his mind. The short one doesn't trust me either. His mind isn't as smart as the other one's but he's extremely strong. He saw me and his mind immediately went into lockdown. But you,” Jungkook chuckled. “You wanted to trust me. You're cautious and because of that you didn't have time to shut me out before I got to you. You're mind is strong, but it's also easy to get to.”

Hoseok stared at the man in confusion. What was he talking about?

“You don't believe me Hoseok?” Jungkook said tilting his head. “You don't believe what I'm telling you?”

Hoseok turned to look at his brothers for help but they were still eating. Were they listening? They were sitting right next to him. He reached out to touch Namjoon's shoulder and watched with horror as Namjoon disappeared. Yoongi followed shortly after and all that remained was the food that they had been eating.

“They were never there Hoseok.” Jungkook said. 

“What do you mea-”

“Did you not understand what I said earlier?” Jungkook boommed as he stood up and knocked the table over. The food went flying everywhere, some even fell on Hoseok’s clothes and hair. “We are in your mind. Only you can hear me and I can hear you!”

Hoseok looked at Jungkook with fear. What was he going to do to him? He tried to get up from where he was sitting but his feet wouldn’t budge. He looked down to see what was holding him down and saw nothing but the food that had fallen to the floor..

“You’re not leaving until I want you to leave.” Jungkook said as he watched Hoseok frantically move around and try to get up from his chair. 

Hoseok felt his lower lip start trembling. Next thing he knew his eyesight started to get blurry. He was confused and scared. Jungkook wanted something from him and he didn’t know what. Tears started streaming down his face and quiet sobs left his lips. Why did he have to go through this alone? He kept crying not caring that Jungkook was watching him act so vulnerable, he just wanted this to be over so he could run to his brothers for comfort.

“You’ll barely remember any of this Hoseok.” Jungkook told the sobbing male. “I’ll make sure of that.” 

Hoseok kept crying, ignoring what Jungkook had just told him. Jungkook felt pity for the male, which surprised him. By now he would’ve done worse to the male in front of him. He let out a sigh and cleared his throat in hopes of getting Hoseok’s attention. This didn’t work as the blonde hair male was too caught up in his crying session to hear Jungkook.

“Hoseok.” Jungkook called out. “HOSEOK!”

Hoseok jumped up and looked at Jungkook through his still filled with tear eyes. “Y-yes?”

Jungkook offered him a smile, one that seemed sincere. “I’ll let you go for now. You won’t remember any of this unless I enter your mind again.” 

“You’re going to do this again?” Hoseok asked watching as Jungkook picked the table back up. 

“I will.” Jungkook said as he picked some of the ruined food off the floor and placed it on the table. “And I trust that you’ll be stronger by then too.”

Hoseok flinched when Jungkook reached his hand out and started taking the food off of him. Jungkook simply chuckled and continued taking the food off of the male sitting down. 

“What was your purpose in doing this in the first place?” Hoseok waited for Jungkook’s response patiently, it seemed as if he would have to wait an eternity for the brown haired male to answer. 

“To see of you would be worthy of helping me in the future.” Jungkook replied finally. He was now behind Hoseok, taking out the food that had gotten stuck in the blonde’s hair. After a couple of minutes of messing with the shorter male’s hair he went to stand in front of him with a devilish like smile.

“And I’m delighted to inform you that you’re just right for the job.”


«────── « ⋅ʚ₪ɞ⋅ » ──────»

[A/N: sorry I haven't been updating this story😭]

«────── « ⋅ʚ₪ɞ⋅ » ──────»


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