changing history

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the night your life changed forever was one you would never forget. mista found you when you were 17 committing petty theft, sleeping rough and taking part in other minor crimes, but he and giorno decided to take you in after finding out you had a stand. at the time you hadn't fully manifested it yet, but you could see mista and giornos stands and they taught you what a stand was.

through time you developed your stand and found it's true power, you were able to travel to different points in time using photographs but you could never go beyond your own timeline (as in you can't go back before you were born.) you'd only tried it a couple times but nothing major, it started with going back a few seconds, then a couple minutes and then days. your power was of incredible use to giorno and mista, you helped them stop major drug rings and crimes from ever happening but you felt you could do more.

after three years of being with them, they were like your brothers, your family. your 21st birthday was approaching, but before that happened you were planning on going back in time yourself, to fix everything that had been broken, too many lives were taken and too much was lost. it wasn't fair on them, after they'd took you in and made you apart of their family you'd do anything to lift them from their grief and guilt. there used to be another chick that hung around sometimes too, her name was trish but she soon left you all behind as she couldn't bare the pain of those days, because after them everything changed.

when you met them those three years ago it was right after the events that had devastated the previous gang. giorno and mista spoke to you about the friends they'd lost, the family they had, and it made you wish you could of met them. you'd been practicing hard on your training, looking at pictures of the old gang members and trying to tap into that timeline but you had to be careful. you always kept your distance from giorno and mista, if they saw you back then messing around they'd remember in the present and not be happy about it.

"giorno, would you tell me about them again? please just one more time." you begged pulling at the photo album he'd kept near his arm chair, he smiled and nodded.

"well i first met bucciarati when i was fifteen, he was really strange and he licked my sweaty face to tell if i was lying..." you giggled as giorno continued talking, that part about him being licked by bucciarati always made you laugh. he spoke so highly of bucciarati, you knew he must of been such a good leader and friend.

"abbacchio and i had our differences but he was an honourable man, he was actually in the italian police force before this you know..." your eyes lit up in curiosity, giorno hadn't mentioned that about abbacchio before. he even told you about the time abbacchio had tried to make giorno drink a tea that had his piss in it, what a guy!

"you'd have loved narancia, he was so funny and a little silly, but he always seemed to be cheery and due to his lack of education he was especially innocent when it came to a lot of subjects.." you listened as he continued to talk about them, narancia seemed like the most fun out of them all and he would of been your age now too, thinking that they all died when they were so young made you even more willing to find a way to go back and fix everything.

mista had soon  joined the both of you without you noticing, he looked over your shoulder at the photos and pulled one of the tattered pictures out. he held it close before glancing at you.

"here, why don't you keep this." he said as he held the ripped picture of the old gang out to you, you were a little confused as to why he would want you to have it. you hadn't even met them?

"are you sure? i mean i didn't know them." you replied and mista chuckled, coming in closer to you and tucking the picture in your chest pocket.

"maybe one day you will." he whispered in your ear before pulling away and ushering giorno to the study to talk about business.

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