fighting old

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i know cliche and totally un-unique title but i'm using it so just don't shit on me ok xo

from where you were sitting it wasn't looking good. narancia, abbacchio and fugo were all passed out, giorno was barely able to move and bucciarati, trish and you were starting to age now too. while trish tended to narancia, you stayed by abbacchio and fugo. as you waited for further orders, you couldn't stop worrying about mista and you knew he must of been ageing now too.

it didn't take long for those who were still awake to feel your anxiety radiating out of you as you began pacing. mista had been gone for a while now, something wasn't sitting right with you and you knew you had to make sure nothing was going wrong but you couldn't do that without direct orders from bucciarati. it frustrated you to say the least, and of course bucciarati could see that. so he decided to test you, see if you really were willing to put your life on the line for his team and trish.

"y/n," his soft yet commanding voice pulled you from your inner turmoil and you turned to face him. "come sit here with me a moment, will you?" his face remained stoic, but there wasn't any discontent in his voice, you hesitantly plodded over to him.

"don't be frightened," he reassured with a smile. "i'm merely wondering why you seem so worried." he gestured for you to sit down and you did so, releasing a breath you didn't know you'd been holding.

"sorry it's just, something doesn't feel right, mista...he should be back by now surely..." you mumbled, fiddling with your fingers.

"you act upon instinct, i like that, but your stand is not experienced enough to fight such threats yet." you frowned at his words, he didn't know you had fighting experience with the very man you were so worried about.

"but i went on a mission before-"

"you were accompanied by abbacchio, fugo and giorno, this time you'd be on your own." he retorted, he pursed his lips and looked you up and down as if sizing you up. you felt a lump in your throat, why wouldn't he let you help? why was he looking at you like that?
his next words ripped you away from your train of thought.

"so tell me y/n, if i allow you to interfere what will you do to help?"

you craned your neck to meet his calm stare, his head tilted slightly and he gestured for you to plead your case as to why you should be sent to aid mista.

"if something's wrong i can buy us some time with my stand, time warp can take me to whatever point in time i could be useful...i could be..." you trailed off deeming yourself useless, sinking into the sofa and feeling powerless to help.

bucciarati hummed in agreement,
"i trust your instincts, i will allow you to retrieve mista." he announced, making you perk up from your slumped position.

"if something should go wrong, send one of the pistols for me. understand?" he spoke sternly and you nodded eagerly, not wanting to let anyone down, especially mista.

the second you left the turtle, you felt the immense heat in the air and searched for an air conditioner. immediately, you noted the scrapes on the wall next to it, a trap perhaps, you'd thought.

dismissing the air conditioner, you followed the large scratch marks and slight destruction through the train carriages. your chest sunk when you saw the passengers, they'd all aged rapidly and were lying around completely lifeless.

muffled cries could be heard further along the train, you followed the sound until you came to a scene you wished you'd never saw.

a very small, frail looking man was hunched over and weeping into the chest of an almost skeletal woman. you realised the attire of the feeble man was that of a child, a baby to be exact.

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