Canadien Thanksgiving/Columbus day US

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Hi. So before I start this special let me explain some stuff. So Today, October 14th is Thanksgiving in Canada before the second Monday of October is what Canada declared their thanksgiving marking the end of Canada's rebellion but Google also says that it was moved because it kept falling on remembrance day in Canada. Anyway, now today is also Columbus Day in the US for the states that do celebrate it so I just had to write both holidays in this. Now the ships that are doing a thanksgiving celebration are in Canada and the ones who are kinda doing something for Columbus day are the ships that live in the US. 


Graser x Jess 

(Graser x Jess: The dream of a fan)

Today was Thanksgiving!! I was so excited that I kinda accidentally woke up at 7 in the morning. But can you blame me, I need to cook the turkey and make all the other foods for dinner tonight. Zach and I decided to held Thanksgiving at our house this year. Usually, we go over to Donna's place but we decided to take over the role this year. That means I have a lot of work to do. I'm also excited because my kids are coming home today. I have missed my babies so much since they went off to college. The day I left I cried myself to sleep for a week. Zach was a real help like he always is but I still miss them so much. Why did they have to grow up and only see me on holidays? I put the turkey in the oven and started making breakfast when Zach walked into the kitchen looking very sleepy. 

"Jess, why are you up so early?" He whined, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. I looked at his adorable bed hair and sleepy state. 

"Zach we are hosting the Thanksgiving dinner for the first time, there's so much to do. Plus Evelyn and Ben will be coming back home today, how could I even sleep" I started ranting excitedly. He just nodded roling his eyes at my craziness. 

"Okay well since I'm up, I will help. What's for breakfast?" He asked. I smiled. 

"I am making your favorite except no pizza because this food is fattening enough without it" I explained. He frowned but then smiled while looking at me. 

"How is it possible that you are even more beautiful every day?" He asked making myself blush. I was not expecting such a compliment this morning. 

"Why are you so cute?" I asked him. He smiled. 

"I'm only cute for you" My blush intensified. What is with all the sweet compliments today?

"Zach are you still half asleep?" I asked him while I served him his breakfast.

"Just because I'm being sweet doesn't mean I'm half asleep. Can't I just compliment the woman I love?" He asked pulling me onto his lap. I stared into his eyes before he leaned closer, crashing his lips to mine in a sweet and gentle kiss. When we pulled away I tried getting off of him. 

"Zach I need to go make the food" I complained when he wouldn't let me go. 

"But I want you in my arms, you're warm," He said snuggling into my neck. I giggled. 

"We can cuddle later, now I must make the rest of the food unless you want to go hungry later" I stated getting up and going back to making the food. 

"Fine, I'll be in my office then" I nodded. He left the kitchen to go do whatever he does in his office. I went back to making the food. This is gonna be the best Thanksgiving. 

So for this oneshot ship, I decided to write a little bit more on Brianna and how she raised Katie without Alex and how she met her new wife. I hope you enjoy. 

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