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I woke to the sound of water tapping on the ground. I sit up from bed. But I realize that my bed is completely wet and sticky.... ew. I got up and slipped on the floor cracking my top a little. It didn't hurt that much since the plastic wasn't connected to my insides. Ink started dripping out the crack. I put my hand over the crack so I don't lose anymore ink. I walk in the bathroom looking for bandages. I looked In the mirror to see how bad the crack was..... I saw teardrop in the mirror behind me covered in blood. I gasp looking behind me.... it was eraser with a towel around his waist.

"You ok bro?" Eraser asked. "I.... Yea I'm good..." I said. "Oh ok cuz you gasped like someone was behind you covered in blood" eraser said. "What?" I said. "Er... never mind..." eraser said walking out. "Hey wait do we have anything to cover this crack?" I asked. "Uh I don't think so I gotta get some more later" eraser said. "Fine" I said. I was about to leave the bathroom until I saw a box next to my shoulder. I looked in the reflection and saw her again smiling at me. She sets the box down on the sink counter and starts to walk closer to me.

I turn around quickly and she isn't there. The box is gone as well... but a bandage was left for me... I put it on the crack and quickly leave the bathroom. I was a bit shaky from that. Seems eraser instantly noticed. "Pen are you sure you're ok? You look shaken" eraser said. "I'm.. I keep seeing teardrop in the bathroom.." I said. "How? Didn't she die?" Eraser said. "She did but she's in the bathroom" I said. "Heh it's probably your mind playing tricks on you" eraser said.

"Oh yea then.... explain why match and bubble are eating lunch together? Bubble died too" I said. "Look I really don't know, do you want me to check?" Eraser said. "Yes please!" Pen said. "Alright you stay here I'll go check for you" eraser said walking into the bathroom. It took some time before he walked out. "Alright I'm back" eraser said. I looked at him and gasped falling to the floor. "Hey! P-pen are you ok!" Eraser said tuning over to me. He was covered in blood. I felt blood dripping on my arm as he hovered over me.

"W-why are you....c-covered in bl....blood?" I asked still trying to regain my body. "Oh that? Well when I was looking in the tub I got in and slipped. When I got back up I looked down and saw the bottom of the tub filled with blood or something. But what kinda creeped me out was that there was a arm in the blood as well... I think it's just a prop tho since Halloween is on its way soon" eraser said.

"What if it's real blood! And that can be someone's actual arm!" I said starting to panic again. "Dude calm down it's probably the announcer just putting fake props around everyone's room" eraser said. I start calming down a bit. "Do you.... need a hug or.." eraser said. I didn't answer. I sat up and hugged him. I got more relaxed and didn't realize I was still hugging him. "Heh ok then I guess we can stay like this, after all I am super soft" eraser said jokingly. "Stoop... ok I'm all good now" I said getting up. "There we go! Everyone needs a hug once and a while right?" Eraser said patting my back.

"Yea maybe you were right, I'm just seeing things.." I said. "Maybe you need something to eat?" Eraser said. "Maybe..." I said. "Alright let's go get something to eat then" eraser said. As we left I looked behind me and saw teardrop smiling at me while sitting at the edge of the bed. Blood dripping off of her and onto the blankets. I start panicking again but took deep breaths and walked out closing and locking the door.

"Tsk tsk tsk, next time... listen to your head.."


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