Thalia Shows Off Her... Awesome Driving skills

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I sat there thinking for a few more minutes. Then I came to my final answer. I stood and walked back to the camp the Hunters set up.

"Clair!" I heard Percy.

"Claira. Have you made your decision?" Artemis asked. I walked over to both of them.

"Yes," I looked at both of them. "I apologize Lady Artemis but my heart belongs with Camp Half Blood. I'm sorry," I said. Artemis looked a little pained by my answer.

"It's alright my dear. Bianca has come to join us. I was hoping you would as well," she said a little down. She held out her hand to my head where my silver streak was. My streak brightened and shimmered. "To remember that you are always welcome with the Hunters whenever you stand under a full moon your little streak there will glow a moonlight silver my favorite color. And now you must get to camp. You're going to get to camp by my annoying brother," Artemis said. I nodded.

"Thank you Lady Artemis," I said then walked to where everyone else was waiting. I saw Bianca and Nico talking. By the way Nico's expression was sad I could tell his sister was telling him about her decision. I couldn't help but feeling sorry for Nico. He was young. And now his big sister, his only family besides his godly parent, was going to leave him. Bianca abandoning her brother like that is, I'll admit, a little selfish. I would never leave my brother like this no matter how annoying he is. Thalia and Grover walked over to us anxious on hearing what happened. The first question out of Thalia's mouth wasn't surprising.

"Did you join?" her face dead serious.

"No. But Bianca did," I glanced in the directed of the di Angelos still talking. Thalia looked to where I was looking. She then sighed and shook her head.

"It's all Zoe's fault. That stuck-up no good-"

"Anywho back to the other stuff," Percy cut in. Percy told them about the whole talk about the Great Stirring. And that the Hunters were coming with us to Camp Half Blood.

"The last time the Hunters went to camp it didn't go so well," Grover said a little pale.

"Well they're coming no matter what,"


The sky started to lighten a little, after a little while.

"About time. He is sooo lazy when it comes to winter," Artemis muttered.

"You're, um, waiting for sunrise?" Percy asked.

"For my brother, yes," Artemis answered. Percy seemed deep in thought a little tense. "It's not exactly as you think," Artemis said.

"Oh, okay." Percy started to relax. "So, it's not like he'll be pulling up in a-" There was a sudden burst of light on the horizon. A blast of warmth.

"Don't look," Artemis advised. "Not until he parks." I closed my eyes and looked away. The heat intensified. So much that I felt like I was back in the Las Vegas heat in direct sunlight. Then the light died. I turned. And saw Percy's dream car. A red convertible Maserati Spyder. I glanced at my brother. His eyes were wide and his mouth was open a little, in awe. I looked back at the car. The snow had melted creating a perfect circle around it. Then the driver stepped out. He looked around seventeen/eighteen. He had sandy hair and I'll admit he was a little hot. His smile was bright and playful. He wore a sleeveless t-shirt, jeans and loafers. Thalia looked like she was about to faint.

"Apollo is hot," she muttered to me. Percy looked at her.

"He is the sun god,"

"That's not what she meant genius," I elbowed Percy.

"So what's up? Got the girls with you, I see. You all need some tips on archery?" Apollo looked at Artemis. She looked like she wanted slap him right across the face, like I always do with Percy.

"I need a favor. I have some hunting to do, alone. I need you to take my companions to Camp Half-Blood,"

"Sure sis!" Then before anyone could do anything Apollo raised his hands as if to say stop everything. "I feel a haiku coming on," The Hunters groaned. Apparently the Hunters have heard of his poetry before.

"Green grass breaks through snow.
Artemis pleads for my help.
I am so cool." Apollo smirked and waited for applause.

"That last line was only four syllables," Artemis pointed out.

"Was it?"

"What about I am so big-headed?" Artemis suggested. Apollo muttered to himself counting on his fingers.

"I've got it! I am so awesome!" Apollo bowed pleased with himself. "And now sis transportation for the girls you say? Good timing! I was just about ready to roll!"

"And some of Chiron's campers as well," Artemis gestured to us. Apollo turned his attention to us.

"No problem! Let's see... Thalia right? I've heard all about you!" Thalia blushed.

"Hi, Lord Apollo," Then he turned to me.

"Ah, Claira. Famous two millionth child! Good archery skills. But I could fix you up with some lessons just to sharpen them a little. And the Oracle taking care of you?" Apollo questioned. I nodded.

"Brother you should get going," Artemis said urgently.

"Oh right," then he looked at Percy. "Percy Jackson?"

"Yes, sir," Apollo only studied Percy, briefly his face dead serious. Then a grin spread across his face.

"Well! We'd better load up. Ride only goes one way: west. And if you miss it, you miss it," Apollo clicked a button on his keys and the convertible converted to a bus. We loaded into it. He chose Thalia to drive but she didn't look well when she sat in the dirver's seat. She assured us she had it under control but we were literally flying everywhere. I could feel the heat the bus was producing since Apollo did explain that speed=heat. When we reached Camp Half Blood Thalia was as white as the snow surrounding us.

"Well. You were right my dear. You did have it under control. Now let's see if we burned anyone important shall we?" Apollo smiled at all of us.

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