Chapter 3

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A/N : Ok change of plans! I intended on this being the final chapter, but then it got away from me. So there will be one more next week for the official ending! (And an alternate ending that I'll post on Halloween night!) But for now, enjoy~!

Two days had gone by and Zed stayed stable, yet still unconscious. They took out his endotracheal tube, a fancy term for the breathing tube in his mouth, the day before since he seemed to be breathing well on his own without life support. His unconsciousness was worrying, to say the least, but he seemed to be doing well according to the nurses and doctors.

Bucky convinced her to eat some dinner after the tube came out, kind of as a celebration that things were starting to look up. Addison still stayed at Zed's bedside all day and night, only moving for very brief periods of time. Kynzlee was going back and forth between her grandparents' houses staying the nights since Addison wanted her to have an actual bed to sleep on and not just the uncomfortable couch in Zed's hospital room.

Everyone had gone home, including Bucky since he had to work the next morning, so it was just Addison curled up on the chair next to Zed's bed. It was getting late, Addison was dozing off with the warm blanket wrapped around her that the nurse had brought in and Zed's heart monitor beeping in a smooth steady rhythm. A lullaby for his tired wife.

She was almost out completely, not noticing the slight twitch of Zed's hand in hers. His heart rate slowly started to beep faster and faster. It wasn't until Zed started calling her name in a panic that her eyes shot open.

"A-Addison! Addison! Addy!" He screamed in his panic, pulling at the restraints on his wrists to get free. Addison jumped off her chair and the Zombie Patrol officers were close behind.

"Zed! I'm right here baby! Calm down!" She exclaimed with a mix of joy and worry. The nurses were in the room the next instant to assist. Zed looked at her with wide, confused eyes but as soon as he was able to process that it was really her, he relaxed and stopped fighting against the handcuffs.

"Oh my god, Zed." She sighed once he settled down. She couldn't help it. She leaned forward and kissed his forehead. He leaned into her touch desperately.

But their reunion was interrupted by the nurses asking him questions to check his awareness and coherence. He was a little disoriented, having been knocked out for a few days, but the nurses felt he was safe enough for the handcuffs to come off, much to Addison's excitement.

Once he was free, she launched forward into his arms. She was careful of his side, but the nurses still fussed for them to stop in fear of further injury. Not that either of them cared. Zed wasn't hurting, that bad at least, and was completely content just holding his wife. They got him to eat and drink some soft and gentle foods. His insides would still be sensitive so they didn't want to push him too far.

Addison had texted everyone while he was eating, alerting them of the good news, before she returned to his side, sitting on the bed. The nurses finally left him alone after what felt like an eternity. Addison turned to the Zombie Patrol officers in the room.

"Can we have just a minute alone?" She asked nicely. They looked at each other warily, but nod.

"We'll be right outside the door." One agreed.

"Thank you." Addison told them gratefully.

Once no one was in the room with them, Addison immediately took his face into her hands and kissed him, sighing in relief as the weight that felt like a ton of bricks lifted off her chest. He weaved his fingers into her messy hair and deepened the contact. But she pulled back slowly, resting her forehead to his with her eyes squeezed shut. He closed his eyes as well, desperate for any kind of comfort he can get out of her.

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