Alternate Ending

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A/N Totally not like 4 days late with this! ^w^" ***Warnings of intense emotions and breakdowns!!*** ***Also warnings for drug abuse!!*** Proceed at your own risk!


-Recap of Chapter 2-

Another half hour rolled by, then another. Addison had barely moved from her spot. She was a nervous wreck. And rightfully so. But eventually she needed to be able to comfort her daughter, who was definitely picking up on how upset her mother was.

Missy interrupted Addison's meticulous nail biting and took her just outside the waiting room into the hall. "Addison, you've gotta stop watching the clock and interact with your daughter." Missy said softly, brushing Addison's bangs out of her eyes. "She's scared honey."

Addison's eyes widen and she immediately turns to seek out her daughter. Kynzlee's eyes were already watching her. The tired and worried look on her little face made Addison want to burst into tears again. How could she have neglected their daughter so much these last few hours? Well, she knew why. Her husband could be dying and she was completely helpless to change it, but this was another issue entirely.

She didn't even bother excusing herself from her mother as she rushed towards the little girl, whose face lit up when she saw her mommy coming over to her.

"Come here baby." Addison beckoned as she fell to her knees and opened her arms in front of her. The toddler ran into her mother's arms and hugged around her neck tightly. Addison kissed the side of her head and embraced her daughter like a lifeline.

"Mommy mad at me?" Kynzlee asked with teary eyes and the most pitiful pouty lips Addison had ever seen.

"No no no! I'm so sorry baby. Mommy's just worried about Daddy. I promise I'm not mad at you." Addison soothed, petting her daughter's hair affectionately.

"Daddy asleep?" The little girl asked. Addison smiled sadly.

"Yeah. Daddy's asleep." She confirmed, praying that would change and she wouldn't have to explain that her father wouldn't be waking up. Addison held back the whimper that threatened to climb up her throat and squeezed her eyes shut as she held onto her daughter.

If there was a dry eye in that waiting room, Addison sure didn't see it. All of their family and friends were as emotional as she was, seeing the hurt Addison and Kynzlee were going through made the waiting that much harder. Everyone wanted Zed to be alright. They wanted it all to just be a bad dream that they'd all wake up from the day after Halloween. But it was real.

-Alternate Ending-

The sound of the doors of the Operating Room opening made Addison's heart stop. She hoisted Kynzlee up into her arms and rushed to meet the doctor. He didn't look very happy which made Addison's heart sink.

"Mrs. Necrodopolus, I'm Doctor Landery. Please, come have a seat." He offered, gesturing for a nearby chair in the waiting room. Everyone who'd been waiting watched and listened quietly with held breath.

"H-how's Zed? Is he out of surgery?" Addison questioned once seated beside the doctor. He gave her a sad sympathetic expression.

"I'm very sorry Mrs. Necrodopolus but you're husband didn't make it."

With those words, her world shattered. "No. Zed, he, it can't be, he can't be! No, no!" She sobbed and wailed in agony.

All of this scaring the toddler into tears as well. Addison held Kynzlee in her arms, their little girl the only thing keeping her halfway grounded and not spiraling into an oblivion. She rocked them back and forth, for both of their comfort.

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