Chapter 4

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A/N Phew! Finally the conclusion! I hope you enjoyed! I'll be posting the 'Alternate Ending' of the story next week! Let me know if you'd rather it be on Wednesday like the rest of the chapters have been, or wait an extra day for actual Halloween! Just in time for spooky night! *makes spooky ghost noises* ;)

Addison woke up before he did, able to crawl out from under his arm and headed for the restroom, passing by the nurse on duty.

"Good morning Mrs. Necrodopolus!" She greeted cheerfully. Addison stopped and smiled sleepily.

"Good morning." She returned, stifling a yawn as she stretched.

"I hope you slept well, though, the head nurse wasn't particularly happy with your sleeping arrangements." The nurse commented, giving her a lopsided smirk. Addison's face fell and a blush covered her cheeks. The nurse snickered. "Don't worry. I talked her down and told her that I'd personally make sure nothing bad happened till morning."

Addison sighed in relief. "Thank you. I can't go getting kicked out while he's still recovering." She joked. The two women laughed and Addison continued to the restroom.

When she came out, two Zombie Patrol officers were rushing past. Her heart stopped. But her feet were already carrying her to follow them. Just down the hall, she could hear Zed's raise voice like he was arguing with someone. The Zombie Patrol Officers burst into Zed's room with Addison right on their heels.

"I don't see the big deal! It's not like it hurt anything! Whoa! Hey!" Zed exclaimed as his arms were grabbed and forcibly restrained, being handcuffed to the bed.

"Wait! What's going on here?!" Addison shoved the closest officer aside and grabbed hold of Zed's shoulder.

The older nurse woman in the room spoke up. "First off all, a zombie doesn't belong in a hospital. And second, you should have never been in that hospital bed last night. Just shows the kind of unsightly behaviors zombies encourage." The woman scolded. Addison's aggression immediately flared but suddenly the sweet nurse from this morning came rushing in.

"Oh my god! What's going on in here?" She asked, hurrying to the couple's side as well.

"Mr. Necrodopolus was becoming hostile with the nurse." The Patrol Officer informed the new nurse in the room.

"Hostile? Just because she was giving me attitude and I gave it back?" Zed questioned.

"But Ms. Jenkins! I thought we had agreed!" The sweet nurse argued. The older woman snorted.

"All I did was tell our unexpected patient that it's against procedure to have anyone sleeping in bed with him while under our care. It's vulgar and disgusting." She snapped.

"Do you have a problem with my husband's zombieism?" Addison spat threateningly but the younger nurse put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Ms. Jenkins, you can't talk about any patient in such a manner. It's unethical. And we had an agreement that he would be under my responsibility until the end of my shift. You had no reason to be in here to begin with." Her tone was completely different. It was stern and unrelenting. She meant business. The older woman looked thoroughly stunned.

"Well, I, um, yes, we did agree on that, but-" she stammered.

"Excellent. Now, Officers, if you don't mind removing these cuffs from my patient so I may treat him properly, it would be greatly appreciated." She said as she turned her attention to them instead of the flustered old woman. The two look briefly at one another then unlock the cuffs around Zed's wrists. "Thank you. Everyone but my patient's spouse needs to leave the room."

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