Chapter 5

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Since today is Friday, as always, the films evening takes place. Kirishima just comes out of the bathroom when he hears loud voices from the kitchen. Immediately he rushes there. Bakugou stands in front of Kami, full of anger, and yells at him.

"Last time, everything is fine! Why are you all annoying me with it?"

"Well, because you're never so quiet. You can talk about your feelings, can't you?"

"No! I don't know the word feelings!"

""Kacchan, please calm down."

"Shut up Deku!"

Sero tries to hold Bakugou by the arm. Then he completely loses his barrel and rams his elbow into the belly of the other. After a few seconds of silence, Bakugou passes Kirishima and storm past to the elevator. Kirishima, however, feels something. That's not his buddy he knows. Just something different. And when he just passed, he lowered his head. And maybe he imagined it, but it sounded like a sobbing.

"Sero? Are you okay?"

"Yes. This idiot!"

That was the wrong expression, because Kirishima hears now how the elevator closes the doors. Probably Bakugou could still hear that. While everyone is upset about Bakugou and looking at Sero with concern, Tokoyami comes up to the redhead.

"Whatever our Bakugou has, it's not like usual. You should look after him. You are the only one he would talk to."

There is only a nod in response and Kirishima is already in the elevator. On the way to the right room, his heart beats too fast. What's going on with his friend? What if he doesn't want to see him?

"No! No time for doubt! I'll find out what he has!" he says aloud.

Arriving on the right floor, he slowly walks to the door and knocks.

"Bakugou? It's me."

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