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Imogen POV

We were on our way back to the hotel from my house. I had stopped by to pick up a few things that I would need. New sets of clothes, hair brush, makeup, the essentials, and I grabbed a small trinket that I wanted to give to Shawn since I bought it a few years back.  So far being with Shawn has been a dream, and I don't want to wake up.

Once we got back we went straight to the dinning hall. They had pancakes, waffles, chicken, ribs, everything you could think of from breakfast to dinner to sweets. "God I'm so hungry, I haven't noticed how hungry I was." Shawn chuckles, "well then let's go make that food disappear!" I nodded as we both power walked over to the food bar. I could feel my mouth start to drool. All of the food looks so good, and the fruits look fresh. They had chocolate covered strawberries, those happen to be my favorite. I'll have to go fill my plate with those later.
"This all looks so good." I moan. Shawn nods, "I agree. Let's eat."
I grab two pancakes, two waffles, sausage, scrambled eggs, and the list goes on.
Shawn and I made eating a competition, and of course I won.
"Ha! In your face Mendes." He scoffed, "just because you swallowed first doesn't mean anything."
I gave him a 'duh' look, "obviously it does because that means my food was gone before yours." He shook his head and laughed lightly.
"Alright well, my pre-show stuff doesn't start for another five hours. I'm full and tired now, so let's head back up and take a nap or watch some movies." I nodded, "sounds like a plan to me." He grabbed my hand as we talked towards the lift. "Hey Shawn. Why do you hold my hand? Not that I'm complaining! Because I mean, I like love you, and it's literally been in my dreams for a while. And I-" he hushed me. "I don't now honestly, it just feels right? It's hard to explain but I like doing it. So if it alright with you..." I smile at him, "it's a-okay with me. Now, let's get this nap on. Oh I forgot to give you this." I took the little trinket out and handed it to him. "I've always wanted to give you this. It reminded me of you when I seen it in the store. It's just a metal guitar pick." It says "Understand" on it. So I had to get it. Shawn thanked me and gave me a hug.
The lift cane after a while like last time, the food became a rock in my stomach as we stood there. But once we got to the room I took of to the room bedroom with Shawn in tow. "For having short legs you sure do walk quick." I laughed, "you are correct."
I kicked my shoes off unbuttoned my pants and jumped into the bed. I rested my hands on my stomach and let out a groan. "I'm so full, I'm going to explode." I let my eyes close, I heard Shawn moving around before the bed dipped. "Tell me about it. I can't really breathe! I can only imagine what performing is going to be like tonight."
I giggled, "yeah good luck with that. I'm going to be right here asleep." "Oh... you're not coming?"
I open my eyes to look over at Shawn. "Well I don't have a ticket. And I don't have enough money for another one. It took me three years to save up for two of your concert tickets and meet and greet." He gave me a sad look. "I'm really sorry the tickets are so expensive. I'm not really sure why they are the price they are it's outrageous. But you don't need to worry about buy a ticket. You're with me so you get in free."
You're with me... hearing that made my heart jump out of my chest. "I-I'll definitely go if The Shawn Mendes wants me to go." He smiled, "Shawn definitely wants you to go." I smiled at him, "then I'll be there."
That was the end of our conversation as we then got close and broke many personal boxes and circles and rectangles, whatever people call them these days. As I fell into a dream full of Shawn, I could tell that this was going to be one of the best naps in my entire life.

"Imogen, hey. Wake up love. Imagen, come in get up you have to get ready."
I groan, "five more minutes. I'm dreaming about Shawn." I heard someone laugh, then it clicked. I shot up outta bed and looked over at a laughing Shawn. "Why dream about me when I'm right here?" I shrugged, "I don't know. But it was a pretty great dream..." I raised my eyebrows and made a funny face. "Oh? What was it about? You and me. And that's all you need to know for now Mendes. Because I have to get ready for this bomb ass concert I'm going to go to tonight." He pouted, "that's not fair, I want to know." I shrugged, "you'll have to find out later then eh? That means you'll have to keep in touch after these few days."
He nodded, "of course!"
I got up from the very comfortable bed with heavy eye lids and made my way to the bathroom.
"Hey Mendes! How much time do I have?"
He came through the door, thankfully I was clothed and was brushing my teeth. "You have two hours." I nodded and I spit into the sink. I washed it out along with my mouth. I was planning on doing a simple makeup look so I could just pick my outfit out now and do my make up thirty minutes before we leave. My hair was still in a braid but a bit messy. Shockingly being around Shawn wasn't as I expected. I'm calm and collected and casual around him. And he's the same way toward me, which I really appreciate.
"Aren't you going to get ready?" Shawn asked. I nodded, as I walked into the bedroom once again. "Yeah. But I'm not doing any crazy make up so I won't need two hours to get ready. Only about thirty minutes." He nodded, "well then let's do something while we wait. There is a piano in the other room. Care to join?"
I nodded and followed him to the other room. In the middle was a beautiful grand piano. It was a dark cherry red colour and it was absolutely amazing. Shawn sat down on the stool and began to play A little Too Much. This song struck home with me, a lot has happened to me in a short amount of time. He started off singing, and my heart did happy dances in my chest. I walked over and sat next to him. I closed my eyes as he sang. Without realizing it I started to sing along with him. Like in my mind I did it on impulse, but my ears were picking up on our voices bouncing off the walls. And they sounded perfect together.
As the song came to and end I opened my eyes blinked a few times and looked over at Shawn who sat there looking shocked. "What? Is everything alright?" I question. He nodded slowly, "why didn't you tell me you could sing?"
I blushed, "I don't sing very well. So it isn't important I guess." He scoffed, "Imogen! That was amazing. You are singing with me tonight definitely."
It felt like air was taken from my lungs.

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