Hitching A Ride

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I clutched onto Spiderman's neck as he swung over the city, his free hand under my legs. I glanced up at him, aware of how strange the situation was, and decided to speak up. "So... Spiderman. How do you keep finding me?"

"Seriously?" he asked, seeming either confused or annoyed. I matched his tone.

"Seriously what?" He chuckled, making it clear that he was joking.

"You're joking, right? You fly above Manhattan with massive, bright blue butterfly wings and you don't know how I keep finding you?" I rolled my eyes.

"As if you're any better with your red and blue Spandex suit!" He laughed openly, and I couldn't help but smile as he responded.

"Alright, alright. You got me there. I guess neither one of us is very inconspicuous. But still, you do fly. And you're not the best at it, either." I stared at the guy in disbelief.

"Not the best at it?" I echoed. "What the hell does that mean?"

"Well, you did collide with me only a few minutes ago." I rolled my eyes, smiling despite my annoyance.

"Whatever, you hit me. I fly all the time; I'm a master of the sky! It's not my fault you were too busy spinning a web to notice me, Spider-boy." His grip on my legs tightened slightly.

"It's Spiderman. And I caught you in the web, didn't I?" I sighed dramatically.

"So you did. Oh, woe is me! If only there were something I could do to save myself, like... I don't know, punching you or using my wings to fly away." Spiderman laughed as I huffed playfully, but quickly turned serious. "You know, I'm not exactly trapped in your arms. Once I get into the air, that's it. I'm gone. And at that point, you wouldn't be able to find me."

"Then why don't you?" I hesitated.

"Why don't I what?"

"Fly away. You said you could, and let's face it, I'm not exactly stopping you. If you really wanted to, you could just roll out of my grip and spread your wings. So why don't you?" I froze, desperately searching my brain for an answer. I couldn't tell him the truth, which was that I kind of enjoyed his company and being carried around the city by him. That would give him an advantage, so instead I said the first thing that came to mind as an excuse.

"Well, you see, DocOck didn't actually tell me where to meet him tonight, so if I stay with you, it ensures that there's less chance of you finding him, since this way, the two people looking for him are in one place." Spiderman stopped, clinging to the side of a building, and looked down at me.

"You really weren't kidding about how out of the loop you are, were you?" I shook my head with a smile, confident that the guy wouldn't find DocOck, but when he straightened and looked past me, my heart sank. "Found him." With no other choice than to attach, I wrapped my arms tighter around Spiderman's neck as he swooped down to land behind DocOck, who turned around at the noise.

"Ah, Spiderman. I've been expecting-" He froze at the sight of me, still cradled in the guy's arms. "Butterfly?" I smiled thinly and took one hand off Spiderman to wave.

"Hey Doc. Miss me?"

Butterfly In His Web (Peter Parker x OC)Where stories live. Discover now