Chapter 1

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   Authors POV:

     A cloaked figure runs through the dark Galran ship. Two sets of crying is heard all around along with the sound of tired manly panting. He runs to a door and uses his lavender colored hand to open it.

     Then suddenly the sound of yelling and screaming is heard. "Keith!! Keith!! Baby!! Where are you?!!" The cloaked figure, now shown as Keith, sighs and walks into the room. Inside is an escape pod. He walks up to the escape pod hurriedly and looks down at the babies in his arms.

     "I'm so sorry but I can't keep you both. This world is too dangerous for you so I'm gonna send you to your Grandma. I'm gonna miss you. Kiara Melanie Kogane. Lucas Charles Kogane. I'm so sorry." He says then opens the pod. He places both twins inside the pod but then Kieraaras eyes opened and she looked at him. She smiled at his lightly tears up face. Her small chubby hand reached out and grabbed Keith's face. Keith was now looking into eyes that resembled his but were slightly lighter. His eyes widen.

"No. Your gonna be like me." He said sadly and stiff straight making Kiara's hand fall. Her purple eyes start to tear up. But before she can start to cry Keith sets a note in the pod then sets the coordinates and shuts it. He presses a button on the outside and the hatch opens to open space. The pod shoots into space and towards the BOM.

Keith drops to the floor and cries with his head down after he shuts the hatch again. Suddenly the sound of running is heard before Keith passes out from exhaustion.

Kiara's POV:

I silently jump from tree to tree then finally I find my target. I lock my eyes and the crouch into a pouncing position. My tail swishes from side to side, my ears swivel back and I start to growl. Then I pounce. I land on him and pin him down to the ground baring my teeth in his face. The look of fear is evident on his face then it flashes to realization and he groans.

"Damn it Kiara! This has been the fourth time this week. I'm trying to peacefully take a walk. But you have to bring your Furry purple self in and attack me." My brother Lucas says making my face contort into a fake hurt expression while punching him on his shoulder.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Come on. Grandma wants us. She said she wants us to meet someone. She says it's a friend of hers from 16 years ago." I stand up and reach my hand out to my twin brother. He grabs my hand and helps himself up. I let go of his hand and start to walk towards the house with Lucas not far behind.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As I shift into my human form, We walk in but she's not here. No instead we are left with an empty, trashed house. My eyes widen and my mouth drops open. "What happened?" I hear Lucas say making me shake my head.

"I have no idea. But whoever it was, took grandma with them." I said getting angry. I could feel my eyes glow yellow and my canines elongate. I feel his hand on my shoulder making me slightly calm down. Slightly. I was still pissed and wanted blood.

I look around one more time when something caught my eye. Underneath a bit of the rug that was pulled up was a hatch. I shook Lucas's hand off my shoulder and walked to it. I was about to open the hatch when a sudden bang out side caused me and Lucas to jump and stare at eachother with wide eyes.

"What was that?" He asks making my face contort into a dumbfounded expression. "How the hell am I supposed to know?!" I whispered loudly to him. He just rubs the back of his neck nervously and shrugs making me groan.

I look towards where the came from which was near the front door of the house on the outside and then I cock my head towards it while facing Lucas. He nods and we walk towards the door. I get there first and grab the silver door knob. I slowly open the door. Then standing right in front of me is a women in green and white clothes, long dirty blonde hair, she had glasses and her face was scattered with tiny scars.

My eyes widen and I close the door in her face. I hear her kinda squeal then kinda mumble to herself them giggle and then she was completely silent. By the time she was silent me and Lucas were back at the trap door. I quickly open it to reveal a dark tunnel leading straight down to who knows where. I look at Lucas for reassurance and he just nods and then I jump. It seemed like a full 10 minutes, it was probably 30 seconds, when I landed onto hard rock. Seconds later I hear a girly scream from the tunnel and next thing I know I'm being crushed by my twin.

"Ugh...Get off of me." I say while pushing him off. He groans and rubs his head while my eyes search our surroundings. I slowly stand up but wince when I try to put weight on my foot.

"Woah Kiara! Are you ok?" I hear Lucas say from behind me. I hear his footsteps come towards me and then a head goes under my arm, helping me stand. "Yeah I'm fine, it just feels like a sprain. It'll heal. Me having really fast healing and all." I say while looking at my slightly taller older twin. The look of worry and admiration was in his eyes. I smile at him and then nudge my head towards the wall to our left that had all sorts of carving on it. He nods then helps me hop over to it.

     I reach my hand out to the rock wall and then it started to glow purple. In amazement I look around but then something catches my eye when I look directly down to the back of the cave. At the end of the cave there was some sort of blue light. My eyes widen.

     "Lucas, there's a way out. Down that way." I tell him pointing at the blue light. He nods then helps me over to it. While we walk, the once dark cave is illuminated by the markings on the walls. We get to the end of the cave and what we see makies my eyes widen and a gasp to to escape my mouth.


     Hey guys sorry if this is moving really quick. I just want to get the beginning over and done with. Anyways bye!!


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