Chapter 2

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Kiara's POV:

Sitting right in front of was a giant black mechanical lion looking thing. It's surrounded by a blue glowing sphere. What weird is that I feel drawn to it. I let go of Lucas and walk, completely forgetting my sprained ankle.

     I walk up and reach my hand to it. As soon as I touch the dome it disappears and I watch as the eyes of the lion glow yellow and it stands up with a roar. I feel a hand on my shoulder after a few seconds of me gawking at it. I turn my head to see a surprised Lucas.

     "That thing just came to life, as soon as you touched- watch out!" I watch his eyes widen in fear. I swing my head towards the lion to see that it's head is now right in front of me with it's mouth wide open. As if I'm a trance I walk towards the big mechanical creature and step inside it. I can hear Lucas walking beside me hesitantly.

I walk all the way to what seems to be a control panel and sit in the chair. As soon as I put my hand a on the pedals the entire panel turned on and the lion stood up to roar. My eyes widen and a huge smile graces my face.

     I look at Lucas who smirks and nods. I look at the panel that had symbols that weirdly I could understand and then before I knew it we were out of the ground. I laughed and pushed the pedals all the way down making us go faster. I could hear Lucas laughing from behind me in excitement.

     Then suddenly it's like the lion had a mind of its own making me freak out. 'It's ok young one, I'm just taking you to a place that is in need of your assistance.' I hear in my head making me calm down.

     I nod and let go of the pedals allowing her to drive herself. It took about an hour before a big purpleish black ship was in front of us. My eyes widen. Black flies is to what looks like a boarding dock. Then suddenly a whole bunch of people in blacky-purple suits with glowing purple symbols on their chests run out with gun.

     "Kiara?" "I know Lucas, I can see it too." I tell him and then suddenly I feel Black's head lower down and then her mouth opens dropping us out and into the edge of her mouth. I hear gasps and stand up. I grab Lucas's hand and pull him up too.

     We step out of her mouth and look around at the very tall people. Suddenly they al move so that an aisle was open and down walks a tall man ,but not as tall as the rest of them, and he stops at us. He clicks his helmet and underneath is a face I thought I'd never see again from when I was a little kid.



Hey guys so I hope you enjoy this. I don't have much to say so byeeee!! - Dorky

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