Chapter 5

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Kiara's POV:

We all sat in the control room silently. I was sitting on the left of Dad who was sitting on the couch closest to the entrance while the others were across from us. Lucas was sitting on the arm of the couch right next to me.

"Alright, I'll start with these two. When me and Lance were on the Galran ship we were experimented on and they wanted to test a theory." Dad said holding my hand tightly. I could see tears forming in his eyes.

"They injected me with, well" Dad was having a hard time saying this I leaned on him and whispered, "You got this Dad." Making him smile at me and nod. He took a deep breathe and continued.

"They injected me with Lance's seed. I know it might not seem horrible or all that bad because we're husbands but the thing was that the theory they were testing was if I could still reproduce as I was half human half galra." He said. I could smell tears in the air. They were all dead silent except for the occasional sniffle.

"Did it work?" I heard the man I now know as Shiro asked. Dad nodded his head.

"I spent nine months in a cell, away from Lance, Pregnant, emotional and filled with all sorts of Galran medication. I gave birth hours before any of you got to the ship." I watched as Papa's eyes grew in size as though he realized something. He looked at me then at Lucas then at Dad.

    "Lance, a few minutes before you came into the pod room, I had sent them to the blade of marmora." He said with a hand on his head.

     "Are they.." "Yes, Lance. Meet Kiara Melanie Kogane-McClain and Lucas Charles Kogane-McClain. Kiara, Lucas meet your Papa, Lance." He said with his head in his hands. Papa gasped and looked at both of us with tears in his eyes.

     "Our, children?" He sounded so happy but so unsure too.

     "Papa, is it ok if I call you that?" I asked while he looks me in the eyes and nods with a hand over his mouth. His eyes widen.

    "Wait, how old are you two? 18? 17?" He asks I smile and look at my baby brother.

     "We'll be 19 in a few days." I said remembering that our birthday is coming up.

    "Oh my god. I've missed so much of your lives." He said but Dad grunts in response.

    "I just met them a year ago. I've been at the blade while they were on earth with my mom." Dad told Papa. Papa sighed and held his head in his hands. I saw movement in the corner of my eye and smiled. Standing in the doorway was a black lion.

     "Hey black." I said to him. I could hear everyone except Dad and Lucas gasp.

     "Black? What are you doing here?" Shiro asked. I smirked.

     "I am his paladin so of course he'd be here." I said as black walked towards me. He made his way to me and sat in front of my legs.

"So your the new voltron leader?" Shiro commented as a ran my hand through black's soft mane.

"I guess. I just learned about voltron a few months ago when we saw you guys at the space mall." I said not looking at him.

"Now it's my turn." Dad said interrupting mine and Shiro's conversation. We all nodded and kept our attention on him.

"When I woke up from passing out I was in mine and Lance's room, like always but it wasn't comforting or homey. I felt empty and angry. So, while Lance was sleeping deeply I snuck out of the room after throwing on my BOM suit that I always keep with me. I silently ran to the pod room, disconnected the attachment to the ship that lets you locate the pod and using the Pod I escaped to the BOM. Hoping, praying that my mom hadn't left for earth yet but, sometimes we don't get what we pray for. She had left with Kiara and Lucas just seconds before I got there and I was devistated. With my mom gone, my children and Kolivan, who had been killed in the last battle we had. I became the leader of the Blade." I could hear the pain in my fathers voice as he spoke about leaving. Not that he regrets it but he feels bad for leaving.

     "Babe, why didn't you tell me? We could have gotten through this together. Like a family." Papa stood up as sat on the floor with his hands on Dads knee.

     "One reason is that I was scared. I was scared you wouldn't accept me nor our children. But I guess I was wrong." He explained with a smile at the end towards Papa. He then began explaining.

     "The other reason was because of the fact that our children would be a very abnormal and very wanted hybrid of species. It's like I knew that all this was gonna happen." He explained further. He then looked to me and nodded. My eyes widened as I looked at them all cautiously.

     "Seriously Dad?! Here?! Right now?! In front of them?!" I was beyond horrified and angry. He wanted me to turn into her. To say I was horrified was an understatement. I could hardly control her as it is. Changing in front of these people, is end up killing them all. I turned to my dad again and shook my head pleadingly.

     "No, I can't do it." He and Papa both place comforting hands on my leg and smiled at me. I sigh then close my eyes but she won't come forward. I look at Lucas making his eyes widen and his head to rapidly shake.

     "Nonononono nope nope! Im good. I will not be the one to trigger her." He panics making me giggle and shake my head.

     "You have to baby bro. She only responds to you." I tell him making him groan. He grabs the BOM knife I had taken out of my suit and looked at it. I turned to the people close to us and looked at them seriously.

"We only do this when extremely needed. It hurts Lucas a lot. But my Galra half loves the smell of his blood." I warned them. I could see the horror on Papa's face making me feel extremely guilty but they were the ones who asked to see her so I'm gonna show them. Even if it hurts my twin.

     I turn to my twin who had the blade to his wrist. He looked at me, in which I nodded and then he put pressure on his arm with the knife. I watched as his face turned to a grimace. The air soon smelt bitter but she loved it.

     I could feel her fighting furiously to get out. I doubled over as a huge wave of pain washed over my entire body. A few spots were worse than others. Mostly where my ears, tail, canines, eyes and my fingers were.

      I looked at my hands to see them slowly become purple. My nails started to lengthen and sharpen to a razor sharp point. I felt my tail swing side to side and my ears twitch. I soon felt a burning sensation in my eyes making me cry out and squeeze my eyes shut. Suddenly, all the pain stopped. Just stopped. Almost like it had never happened in the first place.

     I slowly stand back up and look at everyone's horror filled faces. The man with the orange mustache walked up to me slowly and placed his fingers where I had baby blue glowing marks on each cheek. "She's part Altean?" "Yes, Lance is her father after all." Dad answered Coran matter a factly.

"Dad, can I change back?" I ask looking at him in which I get a nod in return. I close my eyes and then I feel everything reverse. It wasn't as painful as before so I stayed standing. During all this I watched in the corner of my eye as Dad helped Lucas stop bleeding.

      "Alright guys, I think we should leave Keith, Lance and their children alone for awhile." I heard Coran suggest as I worriedly looked at my twin who now had a bandage wrapped around his wrist. He looked me and smiled warmly. As if saying 'I'm ok, don't blame yourself.' I returned the smile.

      Soon the room had been cleared of the other Paladins, leaving me, Dad, Papa and Lucas to sit in awkward silence. Papa was the first to speak up. "I want you both to know that no matter what, I will always be your Papa. I missed 18 years of your life due to a miscommunication and I want to try and make up for that. But right now I would like to speak with your Dad. If that's alright?" Papas words hurt. But with an understanding nod I stood up and walked out of the room with a silent Lucas in tow.


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