Chapter 3

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Hey this is based on a writing prompt I found on Pinterest I will put a photo at the bottom if your interested.
Again I own nothing!

"If we die, I'm going to spend the rest of the afterlife reminding you that this was completely your fault!"

"That's cool, I wouldn't mind someone to help me haunt the rest of the team,"
James spoke completely seriously through the communication system (or comms).
I stare at where I can just about see the top half of his face through the air slot thingys. We've been chilling in the vents for the last 3 hours, well I say 'chilling' and '3 hours' but really I mean 'preparing' and '4 days'. You see James had this brilliant idea to prank everyone in the team except Bruce so that it looks like he did it, we're even going to make it look like we've been pranked so they won't think it's us! I mean it's a brilliant plan but we are talking about the avengers here, so if they work it out that it was us, we are sooooooo dead! Even though me and 'the winter soilder' are the scariest out of the team, the rest will still gang up and kill us. So basically we have to be really sneaky, hence staying up the last four nights to see what time people are normally in bed or what time they start getting ready and stuff like that. Which, thinking about it, is kinda creppy but, oh well, it's for the greater good!
We're planning on pranking Sam first and then Tony last, everyone else somewhere in between.
Our plan for Sam and Steve is relatively simple, well not really but you know, it's not too bad! Sam and Steve go for a run every morning so they both have alarms that go off at 5.40am, so our plan is when each of their respective alarms go off we're go to make things pop out and play loud annoying songs! (Yes Steve's is the American national anthem!) We are doing them first because they are always in bed early.
I look back towards bucky to see him nod at me, our evening of fun has finally begun!


Through out the night we pranked everyone in the tower except Bruce, we did some really mean things! We died Wanda's hair Bright green, filled Vision's room with balloons, cut Thor's hair, put spiders in Peter's room and, my personal favourite so far, took Clint's hearing aids out and put them very obviously across the room so he would get up to get them but he would then step on the hundreds of water filled cups surrounding his bed then he would hopefully try to go out the door which will then trigger a bucket of green slime to fall on his head!
We've done loads of pranks but we have one left, Tony's.
Tony's is the most risky because he's barely asleep, he has only just fallen asleep in his lab so me and James are gunna sneak down there and attempt to shave his beard off! This one was my idea and it could go incredibly wrong, one false move and it all falls apart. Days of careful planning and considering all wasted if we get this wrong, so we're gunna have to make sure we don't! When we get to his lab I gently punch in the four diget code and wait for the beep as soon as I hear the sound I push the door open silently and beckon Bucky in behind me. We silently walk over to Tony, I motion for James to lift Tony's head up while I start to shave. It all goes without a hitch and he only twitches like twice which is great for us! We walk out the room and high five, we then go oir separate ways. Me to dye my hair blonde then blue and James to draw 'tattoos' on with a black pen.
Now all we can do is wait till the morning.


The next day

Steve and Sam noticed the prank first with joint screams they woke the rest of the house, people continued finding the pranks for about 10 minutes by this point Bucky and Natasha had made sure people knew they had been 'pranked' too, in fact the only people who hadn't come out yet was Tony and Bruce. Speaking of the devil you could here Tony's footsteps climbing up the many stairs from the lab to the main floor. The assain/prankster pair held their breath respectively hoping that it worked and when he finally came round the corner they were proud to report that there was indeed no facial hair in sight, including his eyebrows! There were quite a few gaspes causing Tony to look in a mirror to find how different he looked.
Tony was of course furious, but luckily for our assain dueo the plan worked and all was blamed on bruce. The rest of the team were chasing him now! And in that minute of peacefulness the boy and girl shared another high five, you see when you've work as a team for as long as Nat and James have but none of your friens know... Well you can sure cause some drama!


Thanks for reading this chapter if your interested in what the prompt was it was this:

Thanks for reading this chapter if your interested in what the prompt was it was this:

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Also here's the fun avengers thing!

Did anyone else laugh when he got hit by the train? 😂 Anyway have a good week!

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Did anyone else laugh when he got hit by the train? 😂 Anyway have a good week!

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