Chapter 10.2

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I was so thankful when I didn't have to fight James again but Steve did and he was pretty banged up, OK let's change that, he was lucky he didn't die. It was very stressful seeing him in the hospital but it put my mind at ease knowing that there was always at least me or Sam there, sometimes with other members of the avengers.

For so many years I had tried to find him without success, but when I did find him I didn't like what I saw. It hurt too much I suppose, I guess it's because I know what will of had to happen to him to make him how he is. Either way, now Steve and Sam are trying to find him and I just can't bring myself to help. I do give the my file on him though. I claim I borrowed it from someone else, that it has nothing to do with me, but really I stole it years and years ago so I could put a name to the face and so he could know who he really was. I had kept it ever since...

Civil war

Tchalla left after threatening James and I finally have a second to think... He blew up the building... He bloody well blew up the building!! I can't believe this! I really thought he had gotten out of this, that he had been turning good but nooooo clearly n-

My thoughts were cut off by my phone ringing, I looked at the caller ID and saw 'shamptain shmerica :)' that meant Steve was calling and that probably wouldn't be good. I pick up.

"you alright?" am I alright? I don't really know anymore.
"uhh yeah thank, I got lucky" I can hear sirens in the background, he's here. I can't see him though not even when I'm standing "I know how much Barnes means to you I really do" I know how much he means to you because I know how much he means to me "stay home you'll only make this worse... For all of us, please" my good I sound almost like I'm begging!
"You saying you'll arrest me?"
"no!" arrest him! What does he think I am, a police officer! I'm not a shield agent anymore I'm only an avenger and avengers can't legally arrest people, he should know that. "Someone will, if you interfere that's how it works now"
"if he's this far gone Nat, I should be the one to bring him in" or me, i think it should be me.
"cause I'm the one least likely to die trying." that's not true! You literally were going to let him punch you to death a few years ago! All because he don't recognise you! You are factually the one most likely to die trying! I should go in I won't die trying!

I'm just about to give a piece on my mind when he hangs up and I can only think one solid thought



Hello all! How are you guys! I'm in isolation now! I don't know whether that means I'll update more or not cause I still have a lot of work from my school but we'll see! Hope you all stay safe!

Here's a funny Marvel thing:

Here's a funny Marvel thing:

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