Chapter 11

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It. Was. Loud.
That was Natasha's first thought once the music started. For a spy, loud was often difficult. As a spy and and avenger loud meant one of three things:
1. She was doing her job of sneaking around very badly.
2. She had been caught and was potentially in the middle of a battle to the death.
3. She was in the presence of the seemingly child-like avengers.
But, for the first time in her life, loud didn't mean any of those things. In this case loud meant fun, fun and laughter and belting out her favourite daft punk tunes with the love of her life standing next to her. Well when I say 'love of her life' it's not like she's ever told him, in fact until very recently she wouldn't even admit it to herself. And yet somewhere, deep down in her subconscious, she knew she had always loved him, practically since he first walked into the red room as her new trainer.
Just as she was thinking about the horrors of her past the song 'harder, better, faster, stronger' came on. It was a song she always resonated with, as she was sure her partner standing next to her did as well. In the red room she was always pushed harder, to be better, to be faster, to be stronger, to be...well, perfect.
She looked to the man beside her, who she could hardly even call her boyfriend (her lover perhaps?) and she knew that if he was by her side that she was automatically better, faster and stronger.
She hadn't noticed the change in song and to be perfectly honest she was too busy caught up in her own thoughts to enjoy the concert anymore. James, the wonder that he is, noticed that Natasha, his Natalia, wasn't quite with them anymore. And so he checked his watch and realised that the concert would be coming to a close soon and after debating made the conscious decision to attempt to shout at her over all the noise.
"Hey Tasha!"
"Huh? Did you say something?"
"Yeah it's just, you look like you like you could use a milkshake!"
"I said, you look like you could use...Oh sod it! You wanna bounce?" James shouted pointing towards the exit behind him. Natasha seemed to get the gist because she started heading towards the exit, James following after. When they got outside Natasha breathed a sigh of relief before turning on James.
"Why did ya wanna leave?" she said looking him in the eye.
James had enough tact to tell her that he wanted to beat the leaving rush of concert goers rather than that Natasha looked like she was going to slap somebody, throw up and faint all at once.
"so... " James let out as they started walking towards his car.
"so... " Natasha replied using the same tone.
"Wanna grab some fries and a milkshake?" he offered.
Natasha genuinely thought for a second before replying, "I would love to,"
And that is the story of the spy and the soldiers first but not last concert.


Hi guys! It's been a hot second hasn't it! Well I finally updated! Sorry for the delay! I just want to thank youdoyouandloveit for this brilliant inspiration! This chapter is dedicated to you! Anyway how are you guys?? Have you got any ideas you really want me to write about?? I love hearing from you so do leave a comment or dm me! Also sorry, I'm not a daft punk fan I just wanted to do them because it's on buckynat's tops in my cover (Btw not my art if you know the artist please tell me so I can give credit) so if I got any details wrong, again sorry!
Here have a fun winterwidow thingy!

Hi guys! It's been a hot second hasn't it! Well I finally updated! Sorry for the delay! I just want to thank youdoyouandloveit for this brilliant inspiration! This chapter is dedicated to you! Anyway how are you guys?? Have you got any ideas you r...

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(fyi the creator of this post is widow.nat on Instagram)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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