How You Met

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Through the killing game obviou- //slapped

💚 Rantaro 💚
•Y'all met in the librar- //slapped again
•I mean...y'all met at a coffee shop
•You were writing poems at a table, for you are the Ultimate Poet
•You stopped writing to get up and grab some iced coffee
•After ordering, you noticed that you were short on change...a lot of change
•He was behind you and insisted on paying for your drink
•Since you didn't want to be an ass, you shyly accepted the offer and thanked him
•You walked away to wait, only to be pulled back to face the Avocado man
•He winked, then said "Hey, I never caught your name"
•"I never threw it-" //shot in the arm
•"Y-Y/N," you stuttered
•"Hmm, cute name~" he said in a flirty kind of tone
•You two talked for a while
•By a while, I mean until it was closing time
•"Hey, it's getting dark. Mind if I walk you back home?" Rantaro asked, staring out of the window
•"Yes, p-please," you answered while grabbing your stuff
•You two walked back to your place, chatting some more along the way
•After getting to your house, you thanked him for everything and wish him a great rest of the night.

🖤 Shuichi (slight NSFW + trigger warning) 🖤
•You guys met at a shady alleyway in the city of Detroit
•You were walking home from the grocery store
•You got distracted by a stray kitten walking around the streets (a calico Maine Coon kitten)
•You, now distracted by cuteness, dropped the bags and started following the kitten, wanting to pet it
•When you got around the corner you saw some dudes who were vandalizing the alley, from taking trash out of the dumpsters to dope dealing
•You tried getting out without making a sound, but you managed to step on a chew toy
•Y'know, the loud and obnoxious ones
•The dudes stopped what they they were doing and looked at you
•One of them managed to grab you before you could even budge
•They started to beat the ever-loving crap out of you
•Then they started to rub their hands all over, and I mean ALL OVER your body
•They were even touching your No-No Squares
•That's like...the last thing you remember cause you got knocked the fuck out
•You opened your eyes and found yourself sitting in a rocking chair next to a fire place
•You were in a room that you've never seen before
•"Ah, thank goodness you're okay!" said a voice
•You looked around and locked eyes with a boy dressed in all black clothing, with a black hat covering his yellow eyes
•"Those men were going to...rape you and throw you out on the streets. They planned on using you as a way to get money. FAST! I'm so glad that I found them and their plans. They're in prison for life, don't worry," he told you all the details
•You sat there, tears filling in your eyes
•'I feel like an idiot now. I could've have these terrible things happen to me, all because of a stupid kitten. What would've happened if he wasn't there to rescue me? What if they decided to do worse?'
•"Th-thank you for saving m-me," you sobbed
•"H-Hey now. You're an all star, get the show on, go pl-" //punched in the throat
•"Hey don't worry. They won't bother you ever again"
•You sat in the rocking for a few more minutes, trying to calm yourself down before getting up
•"Do you mind walking me back to my place?" you asked him
•"Yeah sure," he answered, getting up from the couch
•You two headed back to your place, talking about whatever came to mind
•Once y'all reached your place, you thanked him once more and hugged him before entering the house
•"Dammit, I forgot to ask (him/her/them) for (his/her/their) name"

💜 Kokichi 💜
•You guys met at Miu's birthday party
•My motherfrickin inventor waifu <3
•Anyway, you were having fun entertaining a non-sexual way of course
•You were also having fun being the party animal you were
•Soon enough the party started to settle down
•Everyone wanted to play SMIH
•Although you didn't want to be stuck in a closet kissing some random dude, you complied
•You all put something of value in a hide metal box that Miu had lying about
•You went first and grabbed a clown mask out of the box
•"Nee hee hee, I guess today's my lucky day"
•You looked around and caught a glance of the boy who said that
•Rat God Clown Gobli- //stabbed in the kneecaps
•I one other than Kokichi Ouma himself
•Everyone started oooo-ing and aaaa-ing, but you ignored them and went into the closet
•"Nee hee hee, if I'm gonna be honest with ya (which, when is he E V E R honest), I'm not here to kiss you or do all of that other stuff," Kokichi said, looking at you
•You sighed happily(?) at that statement
•"Thanks, Kokichi," you smiled
•"Aww, you know my name. Stalker," he semi-screeched while backing into the corner
•"Wh-what?! No that's not what I-"
•"Hee hee, I'm just joking with ya (Y/N). I know you from Chemistry class."
•Oh you guys'll be creating a WHOLE bunch of chemis- //shot by Maki's poisoned arrows
•A few more minutes passed and the closet does swing open
•"Come outta the closet you two," Miu shouted
•"I'm gay as hell!" Kokichi screamed
•"KOKICHI!" you yelled
•"Just messing with ya. Hope I'll see you sometime soon (Y/N)," Kokichi said, walking out of the closet

💖 Kaito 💖
•You met him at that NASA place in Florida //I've been there before
•You were the Ultimate...well, you were still trying to figure that out
•You were interested in space, so it shouldn't be hard to find it
•So while touring the place, you stopped in a room with a medal in a glass box, explaining that it was at the time being hand-crafted in France and it will be sent in the near future
•You were so focused on it that you didn't see the tall dude standing next to you, who was also looking at the medal
•"Woah, this is so neat!" he shouted, startling you
•He turned to look at you
•"Oh shoot. Didn't mean to scare ya," he said, his voice deep and soothing
•"It's alright," you reassured him
•"So I assume that you're interested in space too? What's your Ultimate?"
•You were silent for a moment
•"I don't have an Ultimate...not yet anyway. Though I'm certain that it has to do with space. There's no doubt about it"
•"Hopefully you'll find it soon. My name is Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars! I'm the Ultimate Astronaut."
•"My name's (Y/N)" you told him
•"Ahh, a nice name for an even nicer girl/boy/person," he said making you blush
•You two sat there for what seemed like forever, until he spoke again
•"Hey (Y/N), you wanna join me and look around the rest of the place? I could also teach you some things about space while we're at it"
•You smiled and said, "That'd be amazing!"
•So you and Kaito went along and spent the rest of the day touring the entire place and taking pictures as well //if I'm not mistaken, touring the entire space center takes about two days
•You thanked him for allowing you to tag along and said goodbye
•Little did you know that you two will meet again someday

Edit 18/02/2020: I'm so so so so sorry for not having this finished earlier. I'm a huge procrastinator I know. My creative juices aren't flowing (they never are), and I've got school. I'm gonna work on the other chapter while I'm in school. Hopefully something pops up while I'm working on them. Until then, bye-onara!

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