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I'm so sorry I have updated since August. I sometimes forget that Wattpad exists. That and I've been playing Your Turn To Die. It's been an emotional roller coaster. Choosing who lives and who dies sucks. Anyways, hope you enjoy this!

This is mainly like, where you guys cuddle and type of cuddling y'all do. These are pretty bad considering it's morning time where I am. Just woke up and finally decided to do this. I apologize in advance.


Where: His room (the lamest place to be (jkjk))
What kind: Half spoon (I'm not sure how to explain it)

Where: Any creepy abandoned place. Or just a creepy place in general (like a house deep into the woods)
What kind: Arm-draper (Same as half spoon)

Where: Anywhere, as long as his members of D.I.C.E see it (I'd like to think that he's the first/maybe only person to get a partner and he likes teasing them about it)
What kind: Spooning (He's the little spoon and you're the big spoon. Once in a blue moon you DO switch but you feel more comfortable being the big spoon)

Where: Outside under the stars (You guys fall asleep quickly, like 10 minutes after going outside and cuddling)
What kind: Lap-pillow (You rest your head in his lap to look up at the stars. You do switch off but you like resting in his lap rather than letting him rest in yours)

Where: Anywhere, and I mean ANYWHERE
What kind: Butt pillow (You both switch off on this one, no matter how thick or thin you are)

Where: The park (cute, yah?)
What kind: Leg hug (Tenko's still trying to get a handle on the whole affection thing in a relationship)

Where: Your store (at least when it's closing time)
What kind: Honeymoon hug (It's cute)

Where: You let her pick so really anywhere she wants
What kind: Sweetheart cradle (Like the Honeymoon Hug, it's cute)

[revival??] DRV3 Boyfriend ScenariosHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin