Girlfriend Scenarios (+)

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Girlfriends :D I'm doing four that need more love than they already get (nONE-)

🛠 Miu ⚠️!!Mentions of Physical & Mental Abuse!!⚠️ 🛠
•You were competing in the Hopes Peak Academy Annual Science Fair
•Which was being held in the gymnasium
•You were determined to win this time since you've never actually won in the past
•Well, you did...but 2nd and 3rd place weren't exactly "winning" in your books
•You were the Ultimate Blacksmith for crying out loud
•Idk what to put for people who make stuff since Miu already has the Inventor title, so yeah
•But that's not the main problem here
•You really wanted to win
•You n e e d e d to win
•Not to rub it in everyone's face, but to prove to your shitty parents that you're not a fuckin failure who can only manage to obtain 2nd or 3rd place in talent shows, science fairs, and other contests
•Too deep? Sorry-
•But while you were thinking about how awful your parents are, you saw a drop dead gorgeous girl in a bright pink sailor outfit dragging a full on robot into the gymnasium
•'What the fuck?' You thought to yourself. 'I can't compete with that!'
•You hung you head down in disappointment with yourself
•Mainly because you knew you could never achieve to make anything that awesome in your life
•You hadn't noticed that you were staring at the girls creation and crying over it until she came up to you
•"The fuck are you lookin at the robot for bitch?" She seemed pretty demanding
•And rude, much like your parents
•At least she didn't hit you, but still
•When she yelled at you, you got flashbacks of your parents screaming and yelling at you, throwing items from shoes to lamps at your body, and they'd almost always aim at your head while throwing the items
•You began to sob
•You ran out of the gym with tears in your eyes
•You didn't even get to participate in the Science Fair
•You just went back home and locked yourself in your room, only going out when you want to eat

🥋 Tenko 🥋
•It was just a normal day
•You were at a park sitting on the bench
•Just chilling, reading a book
•When all of a sudden, you get approached by an unknown person
•You jumped out of the bench and got into a fighting stance
•"I don't know who you are, but you are not going to-"
•You paused mid-sentence when you got a better look and the unknown person, which turned out to be a pretty cute girl
•She had her dark green hair pulled into two ponytails...I think
•They were shaped like DNA
•Her uniform was blue and showed a bit of her stomach
•The skirt was frilly and cute
•She had some green thing clipped onto her hair
•And then her eyes
•They were like your neighbors fresh green grass
•Her eyes are grass and you're gonna mow them //that was actually pretty disturbing nvm I'm sorry
•"Oh my god you're pretty," you said out loud
•You mentally slapped yourself for saying that
•"A-ahh, don't look at me!"
•She seemed flustered at your comment
•"Sorry! I didn't mean to say that out loud"
•She calmed down after you apologized 11037 ti-//hit in the head with a dumbbell
•"Again, I'm very sorry for saying that out loud," you said
•"It's okay! Nothing to worry about," the girl reassured
•"Oh I haven't introduced myself. I'm Tenko Chabashira. HIYA! The Ultimate Aikido Master. How about you?"
•"O-oh, uhh...I'm (Y/N), the Ultimate Karate Practitioner"
•"That's a pretty name for a girl in Karate"
•You blushed and thanked her for the compliment
•You two decided to go to a library and talk for the rest of the day there

🧵 Tsumugi 🧵
•You were super excited
•In a few more weeks, you were about to go to your very first ComiCon
•The only problem was that you needed a costume to go in
•Not just any costume will do
•Oh no
•See, you were the Ultimate Fashionista
•Yeah, you stole Junko's talent...I guess
•Since you were the Ultimate Fashionista, you wanted to blow everyone away with your amazing outfit
•But right now, you don't have one
•So you go to the nearest store to ask someone to make you an outfit
•Once you stepped in, you met eye to eye with a tall, blue-haired girl
•Well, not actually eye to eye
•To be honest, you were pretty damn short (4'10)
•You have to admit, she was pretty cute
•But now wasn't the time to think about that
•"Hiiiiiiiiiii!" You said enthusiastically
•"Hi there, welcome to Monokuma's Cosplay. I'm Tsumugi Shirogane. If you need any help, just call for me," the girl said with a smile
•As she was about to go to the back, you stopped her
•"Shirogane, was it? I need an amazing cosplay outfit that'll blow everyone out of the water. You think you could make one for me?"
•She stood there, thinking of what to say to you
•She replied, "I'll see what I can do about it"
•About an hour later, she comes back with a few ideas that she thought you might like
•(Ideas include of: Steampunk outfit, Disney outfit, and P5 outfit)
•You chose the one that sounded the best to you and asked her how long it would take to make and how much it would cost
•She told you that it would take a week or less to make it and at no cost
•You were skeptical about the no cost at first, but she kept insisting on it
•You thanked her nonstop for it, and left the store
•You were able to pick up the costume four days later and not have to pay for it
•As you were leaving, you turned to the girl again
•"Shirogane, I believe? My name is (Y/N). Thanks again for the costume!"
•And with that you exit the store, ready to cosplay in two weeks

🔮 Himiko 🔮
•Magic shows were one of the things that made you happy
•You loved all of the tricks that were performed
•Especially the doves in the hat one
•You've never really had the time to go to shows like this
•Being the daughter of a five-star chef was tiring
•You always had to grow the best and freshest fruits/vegetables
•Which is expected of the Ultimate Farmer, aka, you
•So you decided to take a break from farming and go to the Mono-Mono Magic Show
•All of the best magicians were going to be there
•Though there was one whom you've never heard of before: The Amazing Himiko Yumeno
•You were confused upon reading that name
•Maybe she was mentioned before and you just weren't paying attention
•Who knows
•So that weekend when you were supposed to be tending to your fruit/vegetable garden-patch thing, you snuck out and went down town to see the Mono-Mono Magic Show
•Once you took your seat, the show was ready to go underway
•A few hours pass and an intermission is being taken
During the intermission, you were thinking about all of the names that you saw on the poster and the people who had performed already
•Your mind, however, mainly thought about that one name: Himiko
•'Who is this new magician?' you thought, 'I just hope he's just as good as the others'
•Intermission was coming to an end, so you went to grab some food and a drink before the next hour and a half of shows started
•An hour and fifteen minutes had already passed and people were thinking that the previous act was the last one
•But obviously, they were fools to believe such a thing
•"And now for our final act, give a welcome round of applause to the one, the only...The Amazing Himiko Yumeno"
•Everyone, including yourself, clapped and cheered for the man who was about to come on-stage
•But they didn't least for a good couple of seconds
•The man appeared behind a thick cloud of smoke
•Or so you thought was a man
•When the smoke cleared up, you saw a girl in red standing on the stage
•Everyone started to talk amongst themselves, a bit unsure if a girl could do any magic
•But nonetheless, she was able to do it just as well as the boys, hell even better than them
•After that act, everyone began to cheer for the girl, which made her tear up a bit from all the love and support she was getting
•While people where leaving the room, you walked up to the girl
•"H-hi, Himiko. I'm glad I got to see you perform. Is it okay if I get your autograph?" you asked with a bit of hope in your voice
•"Nyeh? Sure. An autograph from the Amazing Himiko Yumeno...give me your hat."
•"Oh, o-okay," you took off your straw-hat and gave it to her to sign
•She signed it and handed it back to you
•"There. Now you can  think of me when you look at your hat"
•You silently squealed with joy and hugged her, thanking her for the autograph
•After a few more minutes of chatting, you left the building and went back to the countryside
•You got yelled at by your dad for leaving when you were supposed to be helping him out with the food, so for that he grounded you
•You were upset, but at least you had Himiko's signature on your hat that you can look at

I'm finally done!!

I don't know if writing these in bullet points are it. I mean look at them they're super long and for what reason?! Should I keep writing them like this or do a different writing style?

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